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In this screen you have the ability to create a new category (when you click on the 'New' button in the Category Manager), or to edit an existing category (when you select a category and click on the 'Edit' button in the Category Manager).


Details and description[edit]

You will see different fields where you can fill in or edit information of the category. These are:

Title: Fill in the title of the category. This field is required.

Alias: This name is a shortened title of the category, used when using SEF.

Published: Select Yes when you want the category to be published, and No when you do not want the category to be published.

Section: Select the section for this category. Default will be the first section, but you can - of course - change this.

Category order: The order of the category in the Category Manager. When making a new item, the category will have the default setting of the last place. The order can be changed after the category is saved.

Access level: The access level of this category. Choose between Public (everyone can see it), Registered (all logged-in users can see it) or Special (every one with a higher group then 'Registered' can see it).

Image: Select the image of the category. The images you can choose from are the images from the folder /images/stories.

Image position: Select the position of the image. You can choose between left, center and right.

Description: Enter here the description of the category. The editor shown depends on the settings of the specific editor of the user and the editor set in the Global Configuration and the individual user's editor setting.


At the top right you will see the toolbar:

The functions are:

Save: Save the category and return to the main screen of the Category Manager

Apply: Save the category, but stay in the Category New or Edit screen.

Cancel: Go back to the main screen of the Category Manager, without saving the category you edited or created.

Help: Open the Help Screen for the Category Manager: New/Edit. That is the same screen as this Help Screen.

Version Changes[edit]

In Joomla! 1.0.x versions you were able to link a category to a menu item, while editing the category. The existing Menu links were also visible. This option is not available in Joomla! 1.5. You can make a new menu item to display a category in the Menu Manager. Also in Joomla! 1.0.x you could also set the MOSImage directory, which is not available in Joomla! 1.5. In Joomla! 1.0.x there was a Category Title and a Category Name to be filled in. In Joomla! 1.5 this is just one field; named Title. Last but not least; in Joomla! 1.5 you can set the alias for an article, used when SEF is activated. This option was not available in Joomla! 1.0.x.

Typical Usage[edit]

You will use the Category Manager New/Edit when you want to add a new category, or edit an existing category. Here you will find some of the reasons for the use of this screen.

  • You want to create a new category.
  • You want to change the name or alias of a category.
  • You want to change the order of a category.
  • You want to change the access level of a category.
  • You want to change the image and image position.
  • You want to change the description of a category.

Points to Watch[edit]

  • Title of the section is required.
  • The Alias will be used in the URL when SEF is activated.
  • The Alias should consist of lowercase letters, and no blank spaces are allowed. Use a hyphen (-) instead.
  • When you did not fill in the Alias field, the category title (with lowercase letters) will be used as as the Alias.


When you add a new category, you will see this section in the Category Manager. When creating an article, you can select this category as a place to put the content. You can also create a new menu item; Category Blog Layout or Category List Layout. Within the parameters of this menu item you could select this specific category and set some other options.