
From Joomla! Documentation

The "API15" namespace is an archived namespace. This page contains information for a Joomla! version which is no longer supported. It exists only as a historical reference, it will not be improved and its content may be incomplete and/or contain broken links.

The Joomla! Framework[1] was an important part of the Joomla! CMS architecture in the versions 1.5 and 1.6. It was based on modern object-oriented design patterns that make the Joomla core highly maintainable and easily extendable. Between April and July 2011, the Framework was rebranded as the Joomla! Platform and is now being developed separately from the Joomla! CMS. The first version of the CMS to ship with the Platform was version 1.7.

Third party developers benefit from the rich, and easily accessible functionality that the Joomla Framework provides.

The Joomla Architecture

JApplication JDocumentRenderer JHTMLContent JRegistryFormatPHP
JApplicationHelper JDocumentRendererAtom JHTMLEmail JRegistryFormatXML
JArchive JDocumentRendererComponent JHTMLForm JRequest
JArchiveBzip2 JDocumentRendererHead JHTMLGrid JResponse
JArchiveGzip JDocumentRendererMessage JHTMLImage JRoute
JArchiveTar JDocumentRendererModule JHTMLList JRouter
JArchiveZip JDocumentRendererModules JHTMLMenu JSession
JArrayHelper JDocumentRendererRSS JHTMLSelect JSessionStorage
JAuthentication JEditor JHelp JSessionStorageApc
JAuthenticationResponse JElement JInstaller JSessionStorageDatabase
JAuthorization JElementCalendar JInstallerComponent JSessionStorageEaccelerator
JBrowser JElementCategory JInstallerHelper JSessionStorageMemcache
JBuffer JElementEditors JInstallerLanguage JSessionStorageNone
JButton JElementFilelist JInstallerModule JSessionStorageXcache
JButtonConfirm JElementFolderlist JInstallerPlugin JSimpleCrypt
JButtonCustom JElementHelpsites JInstallerTemplate JSimpleXML
JButtonHelp JElementHidden JLDAP JSimpleXMLElement
JButtonLink JElementImageList JLanguage JString
JButtonPopup JElementLanguages JLanguageHelper JTable
JButtonSeparator JElementList JLog JTableARO
JButtonStandard JElementMenu JMail JTableAROGroup
JCache JElementMenuItem JMailHelper JTableCategory
JCacheCallback JElementPassword JMenu JTableComponent
JCacheOutput JElementRadio JModel JTableContent
JCachePage JElementSQL JModuleHelper JTableMenu
JCacheStorage JElementSection JNode JTableMenuTypes
JCacheStorageApc JElementSpacer JObject JTableModule
JCacheStorageEaccelerator JElementText JObservable JTablePlugin
JCacheStorageFile JElementTextarea JObserver JTableSection
JCacheStorageMemcache JElementTimezones JPagination JTableSession
JCacheStorageXCache JElementUserGroup JPaginationObject JTableUser
JCacheView JError JPane JTemplate
JClientHelper JEvent JPaneSliders JText
JComponentHelper JException JPaneTabs JToolBar
JController JFTP JParameter JTree
JDatabase JFactory JPath JURI
JDatabaseMySQL JFeedEnclosure JPathway JUser
JDatabaseMySQLi JFeedImage JPlugin JUserHelper
JDate JFeedItem JPluginHelper JUtility
JDispatcher JFile JProfiler JVersion
JDocument JFilterInput JQuery JView
JDocumentError JFilterOutput JQueryElement patTemplate_Function_Sef
JDocumentFeed JFolder JRecordSet patTemplate_Function_Translate
JDocumentHTML JFrameworkConfig JRegistry patTemplate_Modifier_SEF
JDocumentPDF JHTML JRegistryFormat patTemplate_Modifier_Translate
JDocumentRAW JHTMLBehavior JRegistryFormatINI


  1. See also Subpackages