From Joomla! Documentation
The "API15" namespace is an archived namespace. This page contains information for a Joomla! version which is no longer supported. It exists only as a historical reference, it will not be improved and its content may be incomplete and/or contain broken links.
JDatabase is an abstract class which is extended by specific database drivers. It provides database connections for Joomla.
Defined in[edit]
Method name | Description |
__construct | Database object constructor |
getInstance | Returns a reference to the global Database object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist. |
__destruct | Database object destructor |
getConnectors | Get the database connectors |
connected | Determines if the connection to the server is active. |
hasUTF | Determines UTF support |
setUTF | Custom settings for UTF support |
addQuoted | Adds a field or array of field names to the list that are to be quoted |
splitSql | Splits a string of queries into an array of individual queries |
isQuoted | Checks if field name needs to be quoted |
debug | Sets the debug level on or off |
getUTFSupport | Get the database UTF-8 support |
getErrorNum | Get the error number |
getErrorMsg | Get the error message |
getEscaped | Get a database escaped string |
getLog | Get a database error log |
getTicker | Get the total number of queries made |
nameQuote | Quote an identifier name (field, table, etc) |
getPrefix | Get the database table prefix |
getNullDate | Get the database null date |
setQuery | Sets the SQL query string for later execution. |
replacePrefix | This function replaces a string identifier $prefix with the string held is the _table_prefix class variable. |
getQuery | Get the active query |
query | Execute the query |
getAffectedRows | Get the affected rows by the most recent query |
queryBatch | Execute a batch query |
explain | Diagnostic function |
getNumRows | Get the number of rows returned by the most recent query |
loadResult | This method loads the first field of the first row returned by the query. |
loadResultArray | Load an array of single field results into an array |
loadAssoc | Fetch a result row as an associative array |
loadAssocList | Load a associactive list of database rows |
loadObject | This global function loads the first row of a query into an object |
loadObjectList | Load a list of database objects |
loadRow | Load the first row returned by the query |
loadRowList | Load a list of database rows (numeric column indexing) |
insertObject | Inserts a row into a table based on an objects properties |
updateObject | Update an object in the database |
stderr | Print out an error statement |
insertid | Get the ID generated from the previous INSERT operation |
getCollation | Get the database collation |
getVersion | Get the version of the database connector |
getTableList | List tables in a database |
getTableCreate | Shows the CREATE TABLE statement that creates the given tables |
getTableFields | Retrieves information about the given tables |
Quote | Get a quoted database escaped string |
GetCol | ADODB compatability function |
Execute | ADODB compatability function |
SelectLimit | ADODB compatability function |
PageExecute | ADODB compatability function |
GetRow | ADODB compatability function |
GetOne | ADODB compatability function |
BeginTrans | ADODB compatability function |
RollbackTrans | ADODB compatability function |
CommitTrans | ADODB compatability function |
ErrorMsg | ADODB compatability function |
ErrorNo | ADODB compatability function |
GenID | ADODB compatability function |
test | Test to see if the MySQLi connector is available |
jimport( 'joomla.database.database' );
Code Examples[edit]