From Joomla! Documentation
The "API15" namespace is an archived namespace. This page contains information for a Joomla! version which is no longer supported. It exists only as a historical reference, it will not be improved and its content may be incomplete and/or contain broken links.
JDocument is an abstract class which provides a number of methods and properties appropriate for a range of document types. Some of the methods listed will be overridden by the child class so you should check the child class documentation for further information.
Defined in[edit]
Method name | Description |
__construct | Class constructor |
getInstance | Returns a reference to the global JDocument object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist. |
setType | Set the document type |
getType | Returns the document type |
getHeadData | Get the document head data |
setHeadData | Set the document head data |
getBuffer | Get the contents of the document buffer |
setBuffer | Set the contents of the document buffer |
getMetaData | Gets a meta tag. |
setMetaData | Sets or alters a meta tag. |
addScript | Adds a linked script to the page |
addScriptDeclaration | Adds a script to the page |
addStyleSheet | Adds a linked stylesheet to the page |
addStyleDeclaration | Adds a stylesheet declaration to the page |
setCharset | Sets the document charset |
getCharset | Returns the document charset encoding. |
setLanguage | Sets the global document language declaration. Default is English (en-gb). |
getLanguage | Returns the document language. |
setDirection | Sets the global document direction declaration. Default is left-to-right (ltr). |
getDirection | Returns the document language. |
setTitle | Sets the title of the document |
getTitle | Return the title of the document. |
setBase | Sets the base URI of the document |
getBase | Return the base URI of the document. |
setDescription | Sets the description of the document |
getDescription | Return the title of the page. |
setLink | Sets the document link |
getLink | Returns the document base url |
setGenerator | Sets the document generator |
getGenerator | Returns the document generator |
setModifiedDate | Sets the document modified date |
getModifiedDate | Returns the document modified date |
setMimeEncoding | Sets the document MIME encoding that is sent to the browser. |
setLineEnd | Sets the line end style to Windows, Mac, Unix or a custom string. |
setTab | Sets the string used to indent HTML |
loadRenderer | Load a renderer |
render | Outputs the document |
jimport( 'joomla.document.document' );
New document types are added by creating a new sub-directory under the /libraries/joomla/document/ directory with the same name as the type. For example, to add a document type called "mytype", you would create the directory /libraries/joomla/document/mytype. In this directory you must then create a file called mytype.php which will contain the class definition for JDocumentMytype which extends JDocument. Look at the code for existing document types to see what needs to be done.