From Joomla! Documentation
< API16:JHtmlGrid
The "API16" namespace is an archived namespace. This page contains information for a Joomla! version which is no longer supported. It exists only as a historical reference, it will not be improved and its content may be incomplete and/or contain broken links.
<! removed transcluded page call, red link never existed >
static sort($title, $order, $direction= 'asc', $selected=0, $task=NULL)
Parameter Name | Default Value | Description |
$title | The link title | |
$order | The order field for the column | |
$direction | 'asc' | The current direction |
$selected | 0 | The selected ordering |
$task | NULL | An optional task override |
Defined in[edit]
jimport( 'joomla.html.html.grid' );
Source Body[edit]
public static function sort($title, $order, $direction = 'asc', $selected = 0, $task=NULL)
$direction = strtolower($direction);
$images = array('sort_asc.png', 'sort_desc.png');
$index = intval($direction == 'desc');
$direction = ($direction == 'desc') ? 'asc' : 'desc';
$html = '<a href="javascript:tableOrdering(\''.$order.'\',\''.$direction.'\',\''.$task.'\');" title="'.JText::_('JCOMMON_CLICK_TO_SORT_THIS_COLUMN').'">';
$html .= JText::_($title);
if ($order == $selected) {
$html .= JHTML::_('image','system/'.$images[$index], '', NULL, true);
$html .= '</a>';
return $html;
<! removed transcluded page call, red link never existed >
Code Examples[edit]