
From Joomla! Documentation

The "API17" namespace is an archived namespace. This page contains information for a Joomla! version which is no longer supported. It exists only as a historical reference, it will not be improved and its content may be incomplete and/or contain broken links.

Joomla 11.1 JRegistry[edit]



Visibility Method name Description
public __clone Magic function to clone the registry object.
public __construct Constructor.
public __toString Magic function to render this object as a string using default args of toString method.
public def Sets a default value if not alreay assigned.
public exists Check if a registry path exists.
public get Get a registry value.
public getNameSpaces Get the list of namespaces.
public getValue Get a registry value.
public loadArray Load a associative array of values into the default namespace.
public loadFile Load the contents of a file into the registry.
public loadINI Load an INI string into the registry into the given namespace [or default if a namespace is not given].
public loadJSON Load an JSON string into the registry into the given namespace [or default if a namespace is not given].
public loadObject Load the public variables of the object into the default namespace.
public loadSetupFile This method is added as an interim solution for API references in Joomla! 1.6 to the object where in 1.5 a object existed.
public loadString Load a string into the registry.
public loadXML Load an XML string into the registry into the given namespace [or default if a namespace is not given].
public makeNameSpace Create a namespace.
public merge Merge a object into this one.
public set Set a registry value.
public setValue Set a registry value.
public toArray Transforms a namespace to an array.
public toObject Transforms a namespace to an object.
public toString Get a namespace in a given string format.
public static getInstance Returns a reference to a global object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
protected asArray Method to recursively convert an object of data to an array.
protected bindData Method to recursively bind data to a parent object.
  • Defined in libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php
  • Extended by


jimport( 'joomla.registry.registry' );

See also[edit]

User contributed notes[edit]

Code Examples[edit]