
Add an image

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The aim of this document is to show how pictures (also called images) can be added to Articles.

Many articles benefit from having images, illustrations or pictures in them.

Who is it written for?[edit]

  • Everyone
But there is more complexity in inserting images than in entering and manipulating text.
It is worth a try - even if you do not have a lot of experience.
The main problems are likely to be manipulating the image itself, especially if you are mainly used to altering text.

For the mechanics of uploading the image - do look carefully at the uploadscreen and be aware of where the various files are, especially if you do not have a lot of practice with locating files.


There is more complexity in inserting a picture than in writing the text.

  • There are distinct stages in getting images to display in articles:-
  1. Prepare a suitable image
  2. Upload the image to the website
  3. Insert it into an article.

You have to prepare the image but the mechanics of upload and insert are done using the editor. The detail depends upon the Web site that you are using.

1. Prepare a suitable image[edit]

Your picture is likely to be on your own computer, where you can edit it and give it a suitable name.

Note on editing images: - This is a large subject in itself. There are many packages used for editing photographs and various images. If you are doing simple illustrations, a simple editor like Paint is perfectly suitable. If you are experienced using images, you will know enough about image manipulation not to need to be told it here! This is very useful for screen capture and simple editing -

  • The image should be a file in a standard format - normally jpeg or png
  • Give the image a short name without spaces. (The computer-way is to use capitals - eg LondonVisit)

2. Upload the picture[edit]

The picture has to be on the web server (where the web site is hosted) in order to be inserted in an article.

  • There will be a place for you to put the picture files on the web site you are using and you need to know where this is located in order to insert an image. You will not be able to copy the image file directly to that place, the article editor does this as part of the insert process.
  • If you are using the localhost sample data, there is a folder for images.

You can copy the image there but it is useful experience to upload it using the editor.

Layout on the screen for images: - You may find it easier to get the picture where you want it to be on the page by setting up a table with one row and two columns. The text is entered in one cell and the picture in the other cell.

  • Create a table with one row and two columns - and no border.
  • Put the picture in one cell and any commentary in the other.

This is frowned upon by purists but it is a convenient way to get a helpful layout.

Uploading the picture

  • Open the Article for editing
  • Position the cursor where you want the image to start vertically on the page. If you are using a cell in a table, then place the cursor in the cell.
  • Click on the Image button below the Edit Article screen GSImageButton.png (not on the icon in the tool bar, which does not let you see images on your own computer)

The dialogue box opens and hovers over the edit screen.
The top part of the screen defines where the pictures will go on the server. The bottom part is where you can browse for the picture on your own computer.

The update image dialogue box showing where the pictures will go and allowing choice of a file from a local computer.

Define where the image file is to go

  • Click on the folder on the server where you want the picture to go

Find the image on your computer

  • Click on the Browse button.

This opens the File upload window which lets you find the folder where your image is located.

Browsing for the image file
  • Find the picture file that you want to use on your computer
  • Click Open

This puts the location into the Upload box.

To copy it to the server:-

  • Click the Start Upload button

After upload, the file should show up be amongst the image files at the top section of the screen.

3 Insert the picture to an Article[edit]

  • Highlight the image you want to use

Enter the details for inserting the image

The image is highlighted in the top part of the screen
  • Image URL:This is filledout when you select an image
  • Image Description: Give the image a description (needed for those who are visually impaired and have the information converted to speech).
  • Align: This can be set to the left or right of the text.
  • Image Title: Give it a title, which displays when the mouse cursor hovers over it.

It is now ready to be inserted

  • Click the Insert button at the top right of the dialogue box

The picture should be inserted on the page according to your instructions. It may look a little strange in the editor.

  • Save the article
  • Check that it looks OK
The image inserted in an Article. The layout does not use a table in this case.

A common problem is that the picture is the wrong size and sometimes much too large.

  • You can resize it in a number of ways:-
  • resize it on the screen - the most straightforward but there is a bit of a knack in doing it!
  1. Position the cursor over the small square 'toggle' in one corner
  2. drag it to make the image smaller or larger.
  3. You can repeat re-sizing again but may need to Save and then Edit again.
  • resize using the Insert/Edit icon on the toolbar (a green box - actually an oak tree)
    • Use Alter Dimensions: But be careful because you need to keep the relationship between the height and width of the image. With a very large picture it can be useful to put in a decimal place.
  • resize the original picture using an editor and upload it again.
    • Then delete it from the article, re-import and insert it again.

It is often necessary to fiddle around to get it the right size and in the right place.

Remove a picture from an Article[edit]

This is much as you might expect

  • Open the Article for editing
  • Select (highlight) the picture
  • Press delete on your keyboard.

The picture remains on the server.

Further information[edit]

Lorna Scammell March 2011