
Help screen column header Auto height/nl

From Joomla! Documentation

This Page is a Candidate for Deletion

This page is a candidate for deletion. The given reason is: No links here.

This notice should remain for a minimum of 1 week after it was placed on the page. If discussion is still ongoing, it should remain until a consensus is reached, after which the page will either be deleted or this notice removed. If you disagree with its deletion, please discuss your reasons on its associated talk page, as applicable.

Remember to check if anything links here and the page history before deleting.

Last edit by FuzzyBot (talk · contrib) · Last edited on Fri, 10 Dec 2021 11:34:45 +0000

  • Automatische hoogte. Automatisch de hoogte instellen op de hoogte van de externe pagina. Let op - dit werkt alleen als de externe pagina op hetzelfde domein staat. Bijvoorbeeld, de externe html moet in de root bestandstructuur staan. Subdomeinen werken niet, aangezien een subdomein beschouwd wordt als een apart domein.