From Joomla! Documentation
- Title: The name of the language as it will appear in the lists
- Title Native: Title in Native language
- URL Language Code: This Language Code will be appended to the site URL. When SEF is enabled, one will get If SEF is disabled the suffix &lang=en will be appended at the end of the URL. Note the Language Code must be unique among all the languages.
- Image Prefix: (af/af_za/al/ar/ar_aa/at/az/...). Prefix of the image file for this language when using the "Use image flags" Language Switcher basic option. Example: if 'en' is chosen, then the image shall be en.gif. Images and CSS for this module are in media/mod_languages/
- Language Tag: Enter the language tag – example: en-GB for English (UK). This should be the exact prefix used for the language installed or to be installed.
- Status: (Published/Unpublished/Trashed). Whether this content language is published or not. If published, it will display as a choice in the Language Switcher module in frontend.
- Access: (Guest/Public/Registered/Special/Customer Access Level (Example)). The access level group that is allowed to view this item.
- Description: Enter a description for the language
- ID: Record number in the database
- Meta Keywords: An optional comma-separated list of keywords and/or phrases to be used in the HTML output.
- Meta Description: An optional paragraph to be used as the description of the page in the HTML output. This will generally display in the results of search engines.
Site Name[edit]
- Custom Site Name: Enter a custom site name for this content language. If the site name is set to display, this custom site name will be used instead of the Global Configuration setting.