

From Joomla! Documentation




  • Title: Web Link must have a title
  • Alias: The alias is for internal use only. Leave this blank and Joomla will fill in a default value from the title. It has to be unique for each web link in the same category.

New Web link[edit]

  • URL: You must enter a URL. IDN (International) Links are converted to punycode when they are saved.
  • Description: Enter a description for the web link.
  • Category: (Sample Data-Weblinks/Park Links/Joomla! Specific Links/Other Resources/Uncategorised). Choose a category for this Web link
  • Tags: Assign tags to content items. Tag names must be unique.
  • Status: (Published/Unpublished/Archived/Reported/Trashed). Set publication status.
  • Access: (Guest/Public/Registered/Special/Customer Access Level (Example)). The access level group that is allowed to view this item.
  • Language: (All/English (UK)). Assign a language to this weblink
  • Version Note: Enter an optional note for this version of the item.


  • First image: The image to be displayed
  • Image Float: (Use Global/Right/Left/None). Controls placement of the image
  • Alt text: Alternative text used for visitors without access to images. Replaced with caption text if it is present.
  • Caption: Caption attached to the image
  • Second image: The second image to be displayed
  • Image Float: (Use Global/Right/Left/None). Controls placement of the image
  • Alt text: Alternative text used for visitors without access to images. Replaced with caption text if it is present.
  • Caption: Caption attached to the image


  • Start Publishing: An optional date to Start Publishing
  • Finish Publishing: An optional date to Stop Publishing
  • Created Date: The date and time this item was first created. This is entered by the system automatically.
  • Created by: The user who created this item.
  • Author's Alias: Uses another name than the author's for display
  • Modified Date: The date and time the link was last modified
  • Revision: A count of the number of times this weblink has been revised.
  • Hits: Number of hits for this weblink
  • ID: Record number in the database
  • Meta Description: An optional paragraph to be used as the description of the page in the HTML output. This will generally display in the results of search engines.
  • Meta Keywords: An optional comma-separated list of keywords and/or phrases to be used in the HTML output.
  • External Reference: An optional field to allow this record to be cross-referenced to an external data system if required.
  • Robots: (Use Global/Index, Follow/No index, follow/Index, No follow/No index, no follow). Robots Instructions
  • Content Rights: Describe what rights others have to use this content.


  • Target: (Use Global/Open in parent window/Open in new window/Open in popup/Modal). Target browser window when the link is clicked
  • Width: Width of the target popup or modal window. Defaults to 600x500 if one field is left empty.
  • Height: Height of the target popup or modal window. Defaults to 600x500 if one field is left empty.
  • Count Clicks: (Use Global/No/Yes). If set to yes, the number of times the link has been clicked will be recorded