

From Joomla! Documentation





Search Options

  • Gather Search Statistics: (Yes/No). Record the search phrases submitted by visitors.
  • Result Description: (Show/Hide). Toggle whether the description should be displayed with search results.
  • Description Length: Description text for search results will be truncated to the specified character length.
  • Allow Empty Search: (Yes/No). Only if a filter is selected, allow an empty search string to initiate a search within the filter restraints.
  • Result URL: (Show/Hide). Show the associated URL for the item.
  • Search Suggestions: (Show/Hide). Toggle whether automatic search suggestions should be displayed.
  • Advanced Search: (Show/Hide). Toggle whether users should be able to see advanced search options.
  • Advanced Tips: (Show/Hide). Toggle whether users should be able to see advanced search tips.
  • Expand Advanced Search: (Yes/No). Toggle whether the advanced search options should be expanded by default.
  • Date Filters: (Show/Hide). Show the start and end date filters in the advanced search.
  • Sort Field: (Relevance/Date/List price). The field on which to sort the search results.
  • Sort Direction: (Descending/Ascending). The direction in which to sort the search results.
  • Highlight Search Terms: (Yes/No). Toggle whether search terms should be highlighted in search results.
  • OpenSearch Name: Name displayed for this site as a search provider.
  • OpenSearch Description: Description displayed for this site as a search provider.



Indexing Options

  • Indexer Batch Size: (5/10/25/50/75/100/150/...). The batch size controls how many items are processed per batch. Large batch sizes require lots of memory whereas small batch sizes require less memory but execute more requests which tends to take longer.
  • Memory Table Limit: The memory table limit should not be changed unless you are getting errors indicating that the finder_tokens or finder_tokens_aggregate tables are full. The default is 30,000.
  • Title Text Weight Multiplier: The multiplier is used to control how much influence matching text has on the overall relevance score of a search result. A multiplier is considered in relationship to the other multipliers. The title text comes from the title of the content.
  • Body Text Weight Multiplier: The multiplier is used to control how much influence matching text has on the overall relevance score of a search result. A multiplier is considered in relationship to the other multipliers. The body text comes from the summary and/or body of the content.
  • Meta Data Weight Multiplier: The multiplier is used to control how much influence matching text has on the overall relevance score of a search result. A multiplier is considered in relationship to the other multipliers. The meta data comes from a number of sources including the meta-keywords and meta-description, author names, etc.
  • Path Text Weight Multiplier: The multiplier is used to control how much influence matching text has on the overall relevance score of a search result. A multiplier is considered in relationship to the other multipliers. The path text comes from the SEF URL of the content.
  • Miscellaneous Text Weight Multiplier: The multiplier is used to control how much influence matching text has on the overall relevance score of a search result. A multiplier is considered in relationship to the other multipliers. The miscellaneous text comes from a number of sources including comments and other associated data.
  • Enable stemmer: (Yes/No). Enable language stemming if available.
  • Stemmer: (English Only/French Only/Snowball). The language stemmer to use. Choose snowball if a stemmer for your language is not available or you have multilingual content.
  • Enable Logging: (Yes/No). Enable this option to create a log file in your site's logs folder during the index process. This file is useful for troubleshooting issues with the index process. It is recommended that logging be disabled unless necessary.



Default permissions used for all content in this component.

  • Configure: (Inherited/Allowed/Denied). Allow or deny Configure for users in the Public group. Configure Allows users in the group to edit the options of this extension.
  • Access Administration Interface: (Inherited/Allowed/Denied). Allow or deny Access Administration Interface for users in the Public group. Access Administration Interface Allows users in the group to access the administration interface for this extension.
  • Create: (Inherited/Allowed/Denied). Allow or deny Create for users in the Public group. Create Allows users in the group to create any content in this extension.
  • Delete: (Inherited/Allowed/Denied). Allow or deny Delete for users in the Public group. Delete Allows users in the group to delete any content in this extension.
  • Edit: (Inherited/Allowed/Denied). Allow or deny Edit for users in the Public group. Edit Allows users in the group to edit any content in this extension.
  • Edit State: (Inherited/Allowed/Denied). Allow or deny Edit State for users in the Public group. Edit State Allows users in the group to change the state of any content in this extension.