

From Joomla! Documentation

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Account Details[edit]

  • Name. Enter the name of the user.
  • Login Name. Enter the login name (Username) for the user.
  • Password. Fill in a (new) password. Although this field is not required, the user will not be able to log in when no password is set.
  • Confirm Password. Fill in the password from the field above again, to verify it. This field is required when you filled in the New password field.
  • Email. Enter an email address for the user.
  • Registration Date. Registration Date of the user.
  • Last Visit Date. Date the user visited the site last time.
  • Last Reset Date. Date and time of last password reset.
  • Password Reset Count. Number of password resets since last reset date.
  • Receive System Emails. (Yes/No) If set to yes, the user will receive system emails.
  • User Status. (Blocked/Enabled) Enable or block this user.
  • Require Password Reset. (Yes/No) If set to yes, the user will have to reset their password the next time they log into the site.
  • ID. Record number in the database.

Assigned User Groups[edit]


Basic Settings[edit]


  • Backend Template Style. (Use Default/Hathor - Default/isis - Default) Select the template style for the Administrator Backend interface. This will only affect this User.
  • Backend Language. (Use Default/English (United Kingdom)) Select the Language for the Administrator Backend interface. This will only affect this User.
  • Frontend Language. (Use Default/English (United Kingdom)) Select the Language for the frontend interface. This will only affect this User.
  • Editor. (Use Default/Editor - CodeMirror/Editor - None/Editor - TinyMCE) Editor for this user.
  • Help Site. (Use Default/English (GB) - Joomla help wiki/Français (FR) - Aide de Joomla!) Help site for this user.
  • Time Zone. (Use Default/Abidjan/Accra/Addis Ababa/Algiers/Asmara/...) Time zone for this user.

Accessibility Settings[edit]


  • Monochrome. Yes/No
  • High Contrast. Yes/No
  • Highlight Links. Yes/No
  • Increase Font Size. Yes/No

User Actions Log Options (tab available for Super Users only)[edit]


  • Send notifications for User Actions Log. (Yes/No) If set to yes, the User will receive user actions log notification by email
  • Select events to be notified for. Select the user actions log notifications to be sent by email.