
Chunk4x:Help screen column header Batch Process Categories

From Joomla! Documentation

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The Batch Process allows a change in settings for a group of selected items marked with a check-mark in the corresponding check-mark boxes. To use: click on the link found below the table of items being viewed to activate the drop down field area. Using the 'Batch' Toolbar button will open a pop up window as shown below.


You can change one value or all four values at one time.

Note - if you copy items to a new category, changes you have selected from access level and language will be applied to the copies, not the original.

How to Batch Process a group of items:

  1. Select one or more items on the list by checking the desired category check boxes.
  2. Click the 'Batch' Toolbar button.
  3. Set one or more of the following values:
    • To change the Access Levels, select the desired new access level from the Set Access Level list box.
    • To change the Language, select the desired language from the Set Language list box.
    • To change the Category, select a category. To leave the category unchanged, use the default value of "Select".
    1. To copy the items to a different category, select the desired category from the category list box and check the Copy option. In this case, the original items are unchanged and the copies are assigned to the new category and, if selected, the new access level and language.
    2. To move the items to a different category, select the desired category from the category list box and check the Move option. In this case, the original items will be moved to a new category and, if selected, be assigned the new access level and language.
  4. When all of the settings are entered, click on Process to perform the changes. A message "Batch process completed successfully." will show.

Note that nothing will happen if you (a) don't have any items selected or (b) have not selected an access level, language, or category.

If you wish to clear your entered selections, click on the Cancel button. This will return all of the Batch controls to their default values. Note that this does not uncheck the check boxes for the items.