Doing more with Joomla!

From Joomla! Documentation

This document provides an overview of other things you can do with Joomla! that are not covered in the Getting Started series of articles.

There are many resources and other things that can be done with Joomla.

Who Is It Written For?[edit]

  • Everyone: But...
Some of these things require computing and programming skills, so the main focus here is on people with some design or development experience.
  • The focus is on individual developers and designers, rather than people working in a team that provides its own resources.
  • Beginners will struggle, but it is worth trying to expand your horizons.

The Appearance of a Website[edit]

  • Sometimes done by a web designer

Front page of the site




Adding and Modifying Functionality[edit]

  • Sometimes done by a web developer


Extending the Site - Plugins[edit]

Extending the Site - Extensions[edit]



Further Information[edit]