GSOC Ideas Selection Criteria 2019

From Joomla! Documentation

Joomla Google Summer of Code 2019
Ideas Selection Criteria

For the 2019 edition of Google Summer of Code, the Joomla GSoC Team decided to proceed in a different way:

  • GSoC 2019 will be focused on Joomla 4
  • A form has been shared on Joomla Social Media accounts to gather feedback from users about features they would like to see in the next generation of Joomla
  • Several meetings were held by the GSoC Admins to set up a list of 'must have' projects and discuss about the results of the survey to gather list of the best ideas
  • The GSoC admins had a meeting with the Production Department Coordinator / Joomla 4 Release Lead to discuss and finalise the list of ideas. The final list has been submitted to the Production Leadership.