GSoC Mentors Selection Criteria
From Joomla! Documentation
Mentoring a student is a great, but also a very challenging experiences. To be an effective mentor involves a lot of commitment and knowledge about the Project.
How are mentors selected among everyone that applied as volunteer?[edit]
These are the most important points that we considered as criteria for the selection:
- Skill set and time to commit
- We prefer to have mentors that have the specific skills set required for the projects and someone who has been previously involved in the community.
- If you understand the Idea of Google Summer of Code.
- It's easier for volunteers who have been previously involved in Google Summer of Code to understand what is the expectation. They have a clear idea of timelines and evaluations.
- For first timers, it is important that they are really committed to the project and deeply interested in taking the project to completion.
- Mentoring doesn’t involve only technical skills, but also needs a lot of passion, patience and responsibility.
- Preference is always given to the mentor that submitted the project idea.