GSoC Mentors Selection Criteria

From Joomla! Documentation


Mentoring a student is a great, but also a very challenging experiences. To be an effective mentor involves a lot of commitment and knowledge about the Project.

How are mentors selected among everyone that applied as volunteer?[edit]

These are the most important points that we considered as criteria for the selection:

  • Skill set and time to commit
We prefer to have mentors that have the specific skills set required for the projects and someone who has been previously involved in the community.
  • If you understand the Idea of Google Summer of Code.
It's easier for volunteers who have been previously involved in Google Summer of Code to understand what is the expectation. They have a clear idea of timelines and evaluations.
  • For first timers, it is important that they are really committed to the project and deeply interested in taking the project to completion.
Mentoring doesn’t involve only technical skills, but also needs a lot of passion, patience and responsibility.
  • Preference is always given to the mentor that submitted the project idea.