Equipe GSoC

From Joomla! Documentation

This page is a translated version of the page GSoC Team and the translation is 53% complete.
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L' Equipe Google Summer of Code (GSoC) est sous la responsabilité du Département de la Production, qui supervise tous les aspects liés au code de tous les logiciels du Projet Joomla.
Veuillez visiter le Portail des bénévoles pour avoir un aperçu des membres de cette équipe.


L'objectif de l'équipe Joomla! Google Summer of Code (GSoC) est de gérer la participation de Joomla! au GSoC.


  1. Application and slot request Google Summer of Code: The GSoC Admins fill out the application for GSoC and after the students applied, they are doing the final slot request.
  2. Select students, mentors and projects: The GSoC admin team works in close relationship with the production team leadership on selecting appropriate projects for Joomla. They also select the mentors, after a call for volunteers and organize together with them the student selection.
  3. Project Management and review: During the projects, Mentors and GSoC admins review and collaborate with the students to have a successful outcome of the project.
  4. Provide reports, stats and insights: Keep the community informed over the progress, hold close contact to the involved Teams and the leadership.
  5. Keep in contact with the GSoC: Attend the GSoC summit, keep up the good relationship with GSoC program and manage.


  • Team Leader, Assistant Team Leader: They are coordinating the team's activities, collaborate with the LT and with the other teams.
  • GSoC Admin: They organize the GSoC, keep in close contact with the mentors and students. Review their work and help solving organizational issues.
  • Mentor: These members are responsible for the implementation of on GSoC project together with a student. They have weekly meetings, review the student's progress and help with all questions, which show up for the project.
  • Liaison : Ils sont le contact avec les autres équipes impliquées, telles que l'équipe du marketing ou la JDocs.