
Users User Note Category Edit

From Joomla! Documentation

(Redirected from Help25:Users User Note Category)

How to Access[edit]

Navigate to the Category Manager. To add a new Category, press the 'New' icon in the toolbar. To edit an existing Category, click on the Category title or click the Category's checkbox and then click on the Edit icon in the toolbar.


This is where you can add a new Category or edit an existing Category. Categories are used to organize the User Notes. Categories allow you to display related Notes together on a page and to filter Notes in the User Note Category Manager. All Notes are assigned either to a Category that you create or to the special Category called 'Uncategorized'.


Help25-user-note-category edit.png

Column Headers[edit]

Edit Category[edit]

Enter the heading information for the Category, as shown below:


  • Title. The Title for this item. This may or may not display on the page, depending on the parameter values you choose.
  • Alias. The internal name of the item, also used in the URL when SEF is activated. Normally, you can leave this blank and Joomla! will fill in a default value. The default value is the Title or Name in lower case and with dashes instead of spaces. You may enter the Alias manually. The Alias should consist of lowercase letters and hyphens (-). No blank spaces or underscores are allowed. Non-Latin characters can be allowed in the alias if you set the Unicode Aliases option to Yes in Global Configuration. If this option is set to No and the title includes non-Latin characters, the Alias will default to the current date and time (for example "2012-12-31-17-54-38").
  • Parent. Allows a parent category for the category being edited/created to be chosen.
  • Status. The published status of this item.
    • Published: Item is visible in the front end of the site.
    • Unpublished: Item is will not be visible to guests in the front end of the site. It may be visible to logged in users who have edit state permission for the item.
    • Archived: Item will no longer show on blog or list menu items.
    • Trashed: Item is deleted from the site but still in the database. It can be permanently deleted from the database with the Empty Trash function in Category Manager.
  • Access. Select the viewing access level for this item from the list box. The access levels that display will depend on the what has been set up for this site in Users→Access Levels. Note that access levels are separate from ACL permissions. Access levels control what a user can see. ACL permissions control what actions a user can perform.
  • Permissions. Click the Set Permissions button to navigate to the bottom of the screen, where you can set ACL permissions for this item.
  • Language. Select the language for this item. If you are not using the multi-language feature of Joomla, keep the default of 'All'.
  • ID. This is a unique identification number for this item assigned automatically by Joomla!. It is used to identify the item internally, and you cannot change this number. When creating a new item, this field displays 0 until you save the new entry, at which point a new ID is assigned to it.
  • Description. Optional description for this Category. This description is just for your information and will not display on any page.

Publishing Options[edit]


  • Created by. Name of the Joomla! User who created this item. This will default to the currently logged-in user. If you want to change this to a different user, click the Select User button to select a different user.

Basic Options[edit]


  • Alternative Layout. If you have defined one or more alternative layouts for the User Category, you can select the layout to use for this article. See Layout Overrides in Joomla 2.5 for more information about alternative layouts.
  • Image. (Use Global/Hide/Show) Show or Hide an image to be displayed with this item/category in the front-end.
  • Note. Item note. This is normally for the site administrator's use (for example, to document information about this item) and does not show in the front end of the site.

Meta Data Options[edit]


  • Meta Description. An optional paragraph to be used as the description of the page in the HTML output. This will generally display in the results of search engines. If entered, this creates an HTML meta element with a name attribute of "description" and a content attribute equal to the entered text.
  • Meta Keywords. Optional entry for keywords. Must be entered separated by commas (for example, "cats, dogs, pets") and may be entered in upper or lower case. (For example, "CATS" will match "cats" or "Cats"). Keywords can be used in several ways:
  1. To help Search Engines and other systems classify the content of the Article.
  2. In combination with Banner tags, to display specific Banners based on the Article content. For example, say you have one Banner with an ad for dog products and another Banner for cat products. You can have your dog Banner display when a User is viewing a dog-related Article and your cat Banner display for a cat-related Article. To do this, you would:
    1. Add the keywords 'dog' and 'cat' to the appropriate Articles.
    2. Add the Tags 'dog' and 'cat' to the appropriate Banners in the Banner Manager New/Edit screen.
    3. Set the Banner module Parameter 'Search By Tags' to 'Yes in the Banner Module Edit screen.
  3. For articles only, in combination with the Related Articles module, to display Articles that share at least one keyword in common. For example, if the current Article displayed has the keywords "cats, dogs, monkeys", any other Articles with at least one of these keywords will show in the Related Articles module.
  • Author. Optional entry for an Author name within the metadata. If entered, this creates an HTML meta element with the name attribute of "author" and the content attribute as entered here.
  • Robots. The instructions for web "robots" that browse to this page.
    • Use Global: Use the value set in the Component→Options for this component.
    • Index, Follow: Index this page and follow the links on this page.
    • No index, Follow: Do not index this page, but still follow the links on the page. For example, you might do this for a site map page where you want the links to be indexed but you don't want this page to show in search engines.
    • Index, No follow: Index this page, but do not follow any links on the page. For example, you might want to do this for an events calendar, where you want the page to show in search engines but you do not want to index each event.
    • No index, no follow: Do not index this page or follow any links on the page.


At the top right you will see the toolbar:


The functions are:

  • Save. Saves the user note category and stays in the current screen.
  • Save & Close. Saves the user note category and closes the current screen.
  • Save & New. Saves the user note category and keeps the editing screen open and ready to create another user note category.
  • Cancel/Close. Closes the current screen and returns to the previous screen without saving any modifications you may have made.
  • Help. Opens this help screen.

Related Information[edit]