Components Fields Fields Edit/fr
From Joomla! Documentation
{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Description_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Description_This/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Description_Add/en|Field}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Description_Edit/en|Field}}
{{Chunk30:Help_screen_How_To_Access_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_How_To_Access_Add/en|Field}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_How_To_Access_Select_Site_Admin/en|Articles|or|Category}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_How_To_Access_By_Button/en|New|toolbar}}. {{Chunk30:Help_screen_How_To_Access_Edit/en|Field}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_How_To_Access_By_Title/en|Fields}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_How_To_Access_By_Checkbox/en|Fields}} In the same way you can add or edit Fields for Contacts and for Users.
{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Screenshot_Header/en}} [[File:Help-3x-content-field-add-new-field-en.png|800px|border|none]]
{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Form_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Form_General_Header/en}} This section allows you to enter parameters for this Field. {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Title/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Type/en}}
These entries are optional. Joomla automatically creates default values for these entries. *Name. The Name will be used to identify the custom field. Leave this blank and Joomla will fill in a default value from the title.
*Label. The label of the field to display. If blank auto-generated from title. {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Description/en}}
*Required. (Yes/No) Is this a mandatory field. Depending on the Type:
Type: Calendar:
*Default Date. The default date of the field. The value can be an ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) or NOW, which displays the actual date.
- Show Time. (Yes/No) If enabled, the calendar field expects a date and time and will also display the time. The formats are localised using the regular language strings.
Type: Checkboxes:
{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Default_Value/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_List_Values/en|Checkbox|checkbox}}
Type: Colour:
Type: Editor:
*Show Buttons. (Use settings from Plugin/Yes/No) Should the editor-xtd plugin buttons be shown.
*Hide Buttons. Select some options.
*Width. Defines the width (in pixels) of the WYSIWYG editor and defaults to 100%.
*Height. Defines the height (in pixels) of the WYSIWYG editor and defaults to 250px.
*Filter. (Use settings from Plugin/No/Raw/Safe HTML/Text) Allow the system to save certain html tags or raw data.
Type: Integer:
{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Default_Value/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Multiple/en}}
*First. This value is the lowest on the list.
*Last. This value is the highest on the list.
*Step. Each option will be the previous option incremented by this integer, starting with the first value until the last value is reached.
Type: List:
{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Default_Value/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Multiple/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_List_Values/en}}
Type: List of Images:
{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Default_Value/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Directory/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Multiple/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Image_Class/en}}
Type: Media:
{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Default_Value/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Directory/en}}
*Preview. (Use settings from Plugin/Tooltip/Inline/No) Shows or Hides the preview of the selected image. {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Image_Class/en}}
Type: Radio:
{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Default_Value/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_List_Values/en|Radio|radio list}}
Type: Repeatable:
*Form Fields. Add one or more form fields. [[File:Help30-colheader-form-fields-en.png|none]]
Type: SQL:
*Query. The SQL query which will provide the data for the dropdown list. The query must return 2 columns: *#one called 'value' which will hold the values of the list items, *#the other called 'text' containing the text in the dropdown list. {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Multiple/en}}
Type: Text:
{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Default_Value/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Filter/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Maximum_Length/en}}
Type: Text Area:
*Rows. The height of the visible text area in lines. If omitted the height is determined by the browser. The value does not limit the number of lines that may be entered.
*Columns. The width of the visible text area in characters. If omitted the width is determined by the browser. The value does not limit the number of characters that may be entered. {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Maximum_Length/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Filter/en}}
Type: URL:
*Schemes. (HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/FTPS/FILE/MAILTO) The allowed schemes.
*Relative. (Use settings from Plugin/Yes/No) Are relative URLs allowed.
Type: User:
*Default User. The default user.
Type: User Groups:
*Default User Groups. A comma separated list of user group IDs. {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Fields_Multiple/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Form_Options_Header/en}}
- [[File:Help30-Content-Article-Manager-Field-publishing-options-subscreen-
Form Options *Placeholder. Placeholder text which will appear inside the field as a hint to the user for the required input.
*Field Class. The class attributes of the field in the edit form. If multiple classes are needed, list them with spaces.
*Label Class. The class of the label in the form. If multiple classes are needed, list them with spaces.
*Show On. (Site/Administrator/Both) On which part of the site should the field be editable. Note: Only the type 'User' does not have 'Show On'.
Render Options *Render Class. The class attributes of the field when the field is rendered. If multiple classes are needed, list them with spaces.
*Show Label. (Show/Hide) Show or Hide the label when the field renders.
*Label Class. The class of the label in the output.
*Automatic Display. (After Title/Before Display/After Display/Do not automatically display) Joomla offers some content events which are tiggered during the content creation process. This is the place to define how the custom fields should be integrated into content.
*Layout. (- Use Default -) Choose an alternate layout.
*Display When Read-Only. (Inherit/Yes/No) Whether to display the field on forms when read-only. Inherit defaults to value set in field group. {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Form_Publishing_Header/en}}
- [[File:Help30-Content-Article-Manager-Field-publishing-publisching-subscreen-en.png|400px|none]]
{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Modified_Date/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Modified_By/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Id/en|field}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Form_Permissions_Header/en}} Joomla lets you set permissions for fields at 4 levels, as follows. #Globally, using Global Configuration. #For all articles, using Article Manager→Options. #For all articles in a category, using Category Manager. #For an individual article, using Article Edit. {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Manage/en}}
- [[File:Help30-screenshot-article-field-permissions-subscreen-
{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Change/en|this field}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Select_Group/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Find_Action/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Delete/en|this field}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Edit/en|this field}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Edit_State/en|this field}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Edit_Custom_Field_Value/en|this field}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Select/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Inherited/en|this field|article}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Allowed/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Denied/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Save/en}}
{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Toolbar_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Toolbar_Position/en}}
- [[File:Help32-Save-SaveClose-SaveNew-SaveAsCopy-Close-toolbar-en.png|800px|none]]
{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Toolbar_Function/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Save/en|field}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_SaveAndClose/en|field}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_SaveAndNew/en|field}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_SaveAsCopy/en|field}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Close/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Help/en}}
{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Quick_Tips_Header/en}} If you want to know how to use Custom Fields, click Adding Custom Fields
{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Related_Information_Header/en}} * To add or edit Articles: Article: New/Edit
* To manage Categories: Category
* To manage Fields: Article Fields
* To manage Featured Articles: Article: Featured Articles