
Components Joomla Update

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This screen allows Joomla to be updated quickly by downloading the current update package from the Joomla code repository if there is an update. This setting is the default setting.

How to Access[edit]

  • Select Components  Joomla! Update from the dropdown menu of the Administrator Panel.


Latest version[edit]

The Update Screen when on the latest version:


You're on the latest version of Joomla, so no action required. If you have problems with Joomla it is possible to overwrite the latest Joomla core files. To do so click the button Reinstall Joomla core files and Joomla will install the latest core files.

Installation method can have the following values:

  1. Write files directly
  2. Hybrid (use FTP only if needed)
  3. Write files using FTP

The first method is advised.

Update available[edit]

The Update Screen when an update is available:


You're NOT on the latest version of Joomla, you can install the latest update from this screen. To do so click the button Install the Update and Joomla will install the latest update.

Installation method can have the following values:

  1. Write files directly
  2. Hybrid (use FTP only if needed)
  3. Write files using FTP

The first method is advised.


The screen while updatin:



At the top left you will see the toolbar.


The functions are:

  • Check for Updates. Checks if Joomla is up to date.
  • Help. Opens this help screen.
  • Options. Opens the Options window where settings such as default parameters can be edited.

Quick Tips[edit]

  • There are options for allowing what type of updates to look for, e.g. "Default", "Testing", etc. This is accomplished by changing the update server choice.
    Changes to the update server:
    • allows you to choose only a specific update with a version greater than the version of Joomla installed.
    • from its default setting is for advanced users, such as developers, for testing and/or development.
    • may stop notifications of updates containing security patches.

Related Information[edit]

Help Screens[edit]

Component Description
Joomla Update (this screen)

This screen allows Joomla to be updated quickly by downloading the current update package from the Joomla code repository if there is an update.


Joomla Updates Options allows setting of parameters used for updates for Joomla.