
Components Privacy Request/fr

From Joomla! Documentation

This page is a translated version of the page Help310:Components Privacy Request and the translation is 0% complete.
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{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Description_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Description_This/en}} review an information request and the related action log.

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_How_To_Access_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_How_To_Access_By_Menu/en|Users,Privacy}}{{Chunk30:Help_screen_How_To_Access_By_Sidebar/en|Requests}} *Select the email address of the request you want to review.

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Screenshot_Header/en}} [[Image:Help-39-component-privacy-review-information-request-en.png|800px|border|none]]

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Form_Header/en}} Request Information {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Header_Privacy_Email/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Header_Privacy_Status/en}}{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Header_Privacy_Status_Values/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Header_Privacy_Request_Type/en}}

*Date Requested. Date and time when the information request has been created. Action Log (Action/Date/Name) All actions performed related to the individual owning the information being requested.

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Toolbar_Header/en}} At the top, you will see a toolbar with different actions according to the status of the information request.

Toolbar status Confirmed


*Complete. Allows a Super user to mark an information request as 'Completed'.

*Invalidate. Allows a Super user to mark an information request as 'Invalid'.

*Export Data. Allows a Super user to export as an xml file the data of the individual owning the information being requested.

*Email Data Export. Allows a Super user to email the data export to the email address linked to the Export Request.

*Delete Data. Allows a Super user to delete the data related to the user. The personal data will be automatically anonymised. Note: Only shown if request type is 'Remove'. {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Close/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Help/en}} Toolbar status Pending


Toolbar status Completed or Invalid


{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Quick_Tips_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Privacy_Quick_Tips_Ways_To_Confirm/en}}
