
Extensions Extension Manager Discover

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This screen allows you to discover extensions that have not gone through the normal installation process. This provides a method to install large extensions which are not possible to install using the normal process. For example, some extensions are too large in file size to upload using the web interface due to limitations of the web hosting environment. Using this feature you can upload extension files directly to your web server using some other means such as FTP or SFTP and place those extension files into the appropriate directory. You can then use the discover feature to find the newly uploaded extension and activate it in your Joomla! installation. Using the discover operation you can also discover and install multiple extensions at the same time.

An extension can be installed with the discover function by doing the following steps:

  1. Upload the uncompressed extension files to the appropriate directory in your Joomla installation. For example, if you wanted to upload a site template extension to your Joomla installation you would create a directory for the template extension in the /templates sub-directory of your Joomla installation. Then you would upload the template extension files into that directory you created.
  2. After you have uploaded the extension files, go back to the Extension Manager Discover screen and click the Discover button in the toolbar. This will initiate the search function which will search your Joomla extension directories looking for uninstalled extensions.
  3. If the extension you uploaded is compatible with Joomla 3.x and is not already installed, it will appear in the listing of discovered extensions in this screen.
  4. Click the check-box to the left of the discovered extension and then click the Install button in the toolbar. This will install the extension into your Joomla installation.

How to Access[edit]

  • Select Extensions  Manage  Discover from the dropdown menu of the Administrator Panel.



Column Headers[edit]

In the table containing extensions these are the different columns as shown below. Click on the column heading to sort the list by that column's value.

  • Checkbox. Check this box to select one or more extensions. To select all extensions, check the box in the column heading.
    Note: Many toolbar actions can work with multiple extensions.
  • Name. The name of the extension.
  • Location. Specifies if this is a site or administrator extension.
  • Type. The extension type - module, plugin, template, language.
  • Version. The version number of the extension.
  • Date. The date this extension was released.
  • Author. The author of this extension.
  • Folder. If the extension is a plugin, the subdirectory of your Joomla installation's /plugins directory where the extension is located. By default Joomla 3.x has the following subdirectories in the plugins directory which each represent the different types of plugins that are defined by default: authentication, content, editors, editors-xtd, extension, search, system, user.
  • ID. This is a unique identification number for this extension assigned automatically by Joomla. It is used to identify the extension internally, and you cannot change this number.

Column Filters[edit]

Above the column headers on the right, there are 2 dropdown input fields, Sort Table By: (preset to 'Name ascending') and a number (preset to '20') to display.


These column sorting input fields shows the current method of sorting applied to the table. Use the dropdown field choices and click the column heading name. Alternatively, click on the column heading to sort the list by that column's value.

This will also change the value in the drop field to correspond with the column header name. The list will then be sorted in order by that column and a sort icon (up or down arrow) will show next to the column name. Click a second time to reverse the sort, which will change the corresponding drop field.

  • Name ascending (default). Shows ordering of selected column, ascending or descending.
  • Number of extensions to display. Shows the number of extensions to display on one page, default is 20 extensions. If there are more extensions than this number, you can use the page navigation buttons to navigate between pages.

List Filters[edit]

The List Filters are a series of controls that let you limit what extensions show in the screen. More than one filter may be entered. In this case, only extensions that meet all of the filter conditions will show on the list.

Filter by Partial Title or ID

In the upper left is a search field and 2 buttons.

  • To filter by partial title, enter part of the title and click 'Search' Help30-Search-Button.png
  • To filter by ID number, enter "id:xx", where "xx" is the ID number (for example, "id:29").
  • Click 'Clear' to clear the Filter field and restore the list to its unfiltered state.

Search Tools[edit]

Above the column headings, there are 3 dropdown list boxes.


Filter by Location

  • - Select Location -: Select an extension client from the dropdown list box of available locations.
  • Site: Site extensions are extensions which are designed for use in areas outside of the administrator interface.
  • Administrator: Administrator extensions are for the Backend administrative functions of your Joomla installation. Usually you would only directly interact with these extensions through the administrator web interface.

Filter by Type

  • - Select Type -: Select the extension type from the dropdown list box of available types.

Filter by Folder

  • - Select Folder -: Select a plugin folder from the dropdown list box of available folders. There is a separate folder for each type of plug-in defined in your installation of Joomla.

Automatic Pagination[edit]

Page Controls. When the number of extensions is more than one page, you will see a page control bar as shown below. The current page number being viewed is shaded.

  • Start: Click to go to the first page.
  • Prev: Click to go to the previous page.
  • Page numbers: Click to go to the desired page.
  • Next: Click to go to the next page.
  • End: Click to go to the last page.


At the top left you will see the toolbar.


The functions are:

  • Install. Installs the selected extension.
  • Discover. Searches the Joomla installation directories for uninstalled extensions. Any uninstalled extensions found will be displayed in the extension listing. Caches the search results so they continue to be displayed on subsequent visits to this screen.
  • Help. Opens this help screen.
  • Options. Opens the Options window where settings such as default parameters can be edited.

Quick Tips[edit]

If you have many extensions you want to install you can upload them all into the appropriate directories of your Joomla installation and then use this screen to discover all of them in one operation. You can then install all of the extensions in one step by selecting all of them and pressing the Install button in the toolbar.

Related Information[edit]

  • If you install a Component Extension, it will be listed as a new Menu Item in the Components menu.
  • You can assign a Menu Item to an installed Component Extension in the Menu Item Manager by clicking the New toolbar button. The new Component will show in the Internal Link list of Menu Item Types.
  • If you install a Module Extension, it will be added to the list of the Modules in the Module Manager, where you can enable/disable it. You can also customize it's parameters in the Module Edit screen.
  • An installed Plugin Extension will be added to the list of the Plugin Manager, where you can enable/disable it. You can also customize its parameters in the Plugin Edit screen.
  • An installed Template Extension will be added to the Site or Administrator list of the Template Manager where you can assign it to all of the pages or to the selected ones. You can also customize its parameters, edit the HTML or CSS source, or preview the available Module positions.
  • An installed Language Extension will be added to the Site or Administrator list of the Language Manager, depending on the client attribute of the Extension. This screen let's you assign it as the default language, if desired.