Artículos: Editar categoría
From Joomla! Documentation
{{Chunk4x:Help Screen Description Categories/en}}
The edit form is used to create a new Category or to alter the properties of an existing Category.
Cómo Acceder
To add a new category, starting from the Administrator menu:
- Select Home Dashboard → Site panel → Categories + button. Or...
- Select Content → Categories + button. Or...
- Select Content → Categories. Then...
- Select the New button in the Toolbar to create a new Category. Or...
To edit an existing Category:
- Select Content → Categories. Then...
- Select a Category title From the list of categories.
Captura de pantalla
- [[File:Help-4x-Components-Content-Categories-Edit-screen-en.png|800px]]
Form Fields
{{safesubst:Chunk4x:Colheader Enter Title/en}} {{safesubst:Chunk4x:Help screen column header Alias/en}}
Category Tab
Left Panel
- {{Chunk4x:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Toggle_Editor/en}}
Right Panel
- Parent. The item (category, menu item, and so on) that is the parent of the item being edited.
- Status. (Published/Unpublished/Archived/Trashed) The published status of the item.
- Access Level. Who has access to this item. Default options are:
- Public: Everyone has access
- Guest: Everyone has access
- Registered: Only registered users have access
- Special: Only users with author status or higher have access
- Super Users: Only super users have access
- Enter the desired level using the drop-down list box. Custom Access Control Levels created will show if they exist.
- Language. Item language.
- Tags. Enter one or more optional tags for this item. You can select existing tags by entering in the first few letters. You may also create new tags by entering them here. Tags allow you to see lists of related items across content types (for example, articles, contacts, and categories).
- Note. Item note. This is normally for the site administrator's use (for example, to document information about this item) and does not show in the front end of the site.
- Version Note. Optional field to identify this version of the item in the item's Version History window.
{{safesubst:Chunk4x:Add Category Options/en}} {{safesubst:Chunk4x:Add Category Workflow/en}} {{safesubst:Chunk4x:Add Category Publishing Options/en}} {{safesubst:Chunk4x:Add Category Associations/en}} {{safesubst:Chunk4x:Add Category Permissions/en}}
{{safesubst:Chunk4x:Help_screen_toolbar_top_descriptor/en}} {{safesubst:Chunk4x:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Save/en|category}} {{safesubst:Chunk4x:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_SaveAndClose/en|category}} {{safesubst:Chunk4x:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_SaveAndNew/en|category}} {{safesubst:Chunk4x:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_SaveAsCopy/en|category}} {{safesubst:Chunk4x:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Cancel/en}} Or {{safesubst:Chunk4x:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Close/en}} {{safesubst:Chunk4x:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Versions/en|category}} {{safesubst:Chunk4x:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Help/en}}
Related Information
- [[Help40:Editors/en|TinyMCE and Code Mirror Editors]]
- To work with existing Categories: Category Manager
- To work with Articles: Article Manager