
Help4.x:Contacts: Options

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Contact Options used globally for all contacts.

How to Access

  • Select Components  Contacts from the Administrator menu. Then...
    • Select the Options button in the Toolbar. The Options button is available on Contacts and Categories.



Form Fields

Contacts Tab

These settings apply for single Contact unless they are changed for a specific menu item or Contact

  • Choose a Layout. Default layout to use for items.
  • Contact Category. If 'Hide', the Contact Category will not show. If 'Show Without Link', Category will show as text. If 'Show With Link', Category will show as a link to a Single Category Menu Item.
  • Enable Versions. (Yes/No). Whether or not to save version history for this component. If No, version history will not be saved for component items or for this component's categories.
  • Maximum Versions. The maximum number of versions to store for an item. If an item is saved and the maximum number of versions has been reached, the oldest version will be deleted automatically. If set to 0, then versions will never be deleted automatically. Also, specific versions may be flagged as "Keep Forever" and will not be deleted automatically. Note that versions may be deleted manually using the Delete button in the Version History screen.
  • Show Contact List. If 'Show', the user will be able to change which contact is shown by selecting a contact from a drop-down list of all contacts in the current contact category.
  • Display Format. Determines the style used to display sections of the contact form.
  • Tags. Whether to hide or show any tags for this item.
  • Use Global: Use the default value from the contacts options screen.
  • Show: Show to allow users to select a contact in a drop down list.
  • Hide: Do not display the Contact list.
  • Contact Information. Show or hide the contact information.
  • Name. Show name of the contact.
  • Contact's Position. Show or Hide position.
  • Email. Show or Hide contact email.
  • Add Mailto: Link. Adds a mailto: link to the displayed email address.
  • Street Address. Show or Hide street address.
  • City or Suburb. Show or hide city or suburb.
  • State or County. Show or Hide state or county.
  • Postal/ZIP Code. Show or Hide postal or zip code.
  • Country. Show or Hide Country.
  • Telephone. Show or Hide telephone number.
  • Mobile Phone. Show or Hide mobile number.
  • Fax. Show or Hide fax number.
  • Webpage. Show or hide webpage.
  • Image. Show or Hide image.
  • Image. Choose the image file to use for the contact.
  • Miscellaneous Information. Show or Hide miscellaneous information.
  • vCard. Whether or not to allow export to vCard format.
  • Show User Articles. Show User Articles::If this contact is mapped to a user, and if this is set to Show, then a list of articles created by this user will show.
  • # Articles to List. Number of articles to list.
  • User Profile. Show or hide Profile.
  • Show User Custom Fields. Show user custom fields which belong to all or only selected field groups.
  • Contact Links. Show or hide Links.
  • Link A Label. An additional link for this contact.
  • Link B Label. An additional link for this contact.
  • Link C Label. An additional link for this contact.
  • Link D Label. An additional link for this contact.
  • Link E Label. An additional link for this contact.

Icons Tab


These settings apply for single Contact unless they are changed for a specific menu item or Contact

  • Settings. Choose whether to display icons, text or nothing next to the information.
  • Address Icon. Select the Address icon. If none selected, the default icon will be displayed.
  • Email Icon. Select the Email icon. If none selected, the default icon will be displayed.
  • Telephone Icon. Select the Telephone icon. If none selected, the default icon will be displayed.
  • Mobile Icon. Select the Mobile icon. If none selected, the default icon will be displayed.
  • Fax Icon. Select the Fax icon. If none selected, the default icon will be displayed.
  • Misc Icon. Select the Misc icon. If none selected, the default icon will be displayed.

Category Tab

Category Options control how contacts will show when you drill down to a Category to view its contacts.


  • Choose a Layout. (Blog/List/user defined). This lets you select the default layout to show when you click on a Category link. If you create an alternative layout for a category layout, you may select that as the default.
  • Category Title. (Show/Hide) Hide or Show the title of the category.
  • Category Description. (Show/Hide) Hide or Show the description for the category.
  • Category Image. (Show/Hide) Hide or Show the category image.
  • Subcategory Levels. (None/All/1-5). Categories in Joomla can be created in a hierarchy. This lets you control how many levels of subcategories to show when showing a category view.
  • Subcategories Descriptions. (Show/Hide) Hide or Show the descriptions for subcategories that are shown.
  • Empty Categories. (Show/Hide) Hide or Show categories that don't contain any articles or subcategories.
  • # Contacts in Category. Show or Hide the number of Contacts in category.
  • Category Tags. Show or Hide the tags for a single category.

Categories Tab

These settings apply for Contact Categories Options unless they are changed for a specific menu item.


  • Top Level Category Description. (Show/Hide). Hide or Show the description of the top-level category.
  • Subcategory Levels. (All/1-5). How many levels in the hierarchy to show.
  • Subcategories Descriptions. (Show/Hide). Hide or Show the description of each subcategory.
  • Empty Categories. (Show/Hide). Hide or Show categories that contain no articles and no subcategories.
  • # Contacts in Category. Show or Hide the number of Contacts in category.

List Layouts Tab

These settings apply for Contact List Options unless they are changed for a specific menu item.


  • Filter Field. The Filter Field creates a text field where a user can enter a field to be used to filter the articles shown in the list. An example of how this looks in the front-end layout is shown below.
The possible options for this (in the back-end menu item edit) are shown below.
  • Hide: Don't show a filter field.
  • Title: Filter on article title.
  • Author: Filter on the author's name.
  • Hits: Filter on the number of article hits.
  • Display Select. (Show/Hide) Whether to hide or show the Display # control that allows the user to select the number of items to show in the list. An example is shown below.
If there are more items than this number, you can use the page navigation buttons (Start, Prev, Next, End, and page numbers) to navigate between pages. Note that if you have a large number of items, it may be helpful to use the Filter options, located above the column headings, to limit which items display.
  • Table Headings. (Show/Hide) Table Headings show a heading above the article list, as shown below.
If set to Show, this heading will show about the list. Otherwise the list will show with no headings.
  • Image. Show or Hide an Image column in the list of Contacts.
  • Position. Show or Hide a Position column in the list of Contacts.
  • Email. Show or Hide an Email column in the list of Contacts.
  • Phone. Show or Hide a Phone column in the list of Contacts.
  • Mobile. Show or Hide show a Mobile column in the list of Contacts.
  • Fax. Show or Hide a Fax column in the list of Contacts.
  • City or Suburb. Show or Hide a City or Suburb column in the list of Contacts.
  • State or County. Show or Hide a State or County column in the list of Contacts.
  • Country. Show or Hide a Country column in the list of Contacts.
  • Pagination. Hide or Show Pagination support. Pagination provides page links at the bottom of the page that allow the User to navigate to additional pages. These are needed if the listed items will not fit on one page. An example is shown below.
The following options are available.
  • Use Global: Use the default value from the component options screen.
  • Auto: Pagination links shown if needed.
  • Show: Pagination links shown if needed.
  • Hide: Pagination links not shown. Note: In this case, Users will not be able to navigate to additional pages.
  • Pagination Results. Hide or Show the current page number and total pages (e.g., "Page 1 of 2") at the bottom of each page. Use Global will use the default value from the component options.
  • Sort by. Choose the field name to sort.

Form Tab

These settings apply for single Contact unless they are changed for a specific menu item or Contact.


  • Allow Captcha on Contact. Use Default or None Selected. Select the captcha plugin that will be used in the contact form. Captcha is the name of a technique to prevent spam user registrations by requiring a user to type in characters from a distorted image or to mark 'I'am not a robot'. You may need to enter further information for your captcha plugin in the Plugin Manager.
  • Contact Form. Show or Hide contact form.
  • Send Copy to Submitter. Hide or Show checkbox to allow copy of email to be sent to submitter.
  • Banned Email. Email addresses not allowed to submit information with the contact form.
  • Banned Subject. Subjects not allowed in contact form.
  • Banned Text. Text not allowed in contact form body.
  • Session Check. Check for the existence of session cookie. This means that users without cookies enabled will not be able to send emails.
  • Custom Reply. Turns off the automated reply, allowing for Plugins to handle integration with other systems.
  • Contact Redirect. Enter an alternative URL, where the user will be redirected after mail is send.

Integration Tab

These settings determine how the Contact Component will integrate with other extensions.


  • Show Feed Links. (Show or Hide) Show or hide the feed links URLs. A feed link will show up as a feed icon in the address bar of most browsers.
  • Remove IDs from URLs. (Yes or No) Whether or not to show the database id of a contact in a link.
  • Enable Custom Fields. (Yes or No) Enable the creation of custom fields.

Permissions Tab

This section shows permissions for contacts. The screen shows as follows.


To change the permissions for this extension, do the following.

  • Select the Group by clicking its title located on the left.
  • Find the desired Action. Possible Actions are:
    • Configure ACL & Optons. Users can edit the options and permissions of this extension.
    • Configure Options Only. Users can edit the options except the permissions of this extension.
    • Access Administration Interface. Users can access user administration interface of this extension.
    • Create. Users can create content of this extension.
    • Delete. Users can delete content of this extension.
    • Edit. Users can edit content of this extension.
    • Edit State. User can change the published state and related information for content of this extension.
    • Edit Own. Users can edit own created content of this extension.
  • Select the desired permission for the action you wish to change. Possible settings are:
    • Inherited. Inherited for users in this Group from the Global Configuration permissions of this extension.
    • Allowed. Allowed for users in this Group. Note that, if this action is Denied at one of the higher levels, the Allowed permission here will not take effect. A Denied setting cannot be overridden.
    • Denied. Denied for users in this Group.
  • Click Save in Toolbar at top. When the screen refreshes, the Calculated Setting column will show the effective permission for this Group and Action.


At the top of the page you will see the toolbar shown in the Screenshot above. The functions are:

  • Save. Saves the Contact Manager options and stays in the current screen.
  • Save & Close. Saves the Contact Manager options and closes the current screen.
  • Cancel. Closes the current screen and returns to the previous screen without saving any modifications you may have made.
  • Help. Opens this help screen.

Quick Tips

  • If you are a beginning user, you can just keep the default values here until you learn more about using global options.
  • If you are an advanced user, you can save time by creating good default values here. When you set up menu items and create contacts, you will be able to accept the default values for most options.
  • All values set here can be overridden at the menu item, category, or contact level.

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