
Модули: Настройки

From Joomla! Documentation

This page is a translated version of the page Help4.x:Modules: Options and the translation is 38% complete.
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Modules Options configuration allows setting of parameters used globally for Modules.

Как открыть

Контент  Модули сайта

  • click the Options toolbar button



Form Fields


  • Область системы. Выберите область системы для редактирования модулей. Использование параметра невозможно, если в общих настройках сайта для параметра Иконки редактирования установлено значение Нет. Quick Tip

Панель управления

  • Фильтр по языку. Показывать или скрывать фильтр по языку для модулей панели управления.

Права доступа

This section lets you set up the default Access Control List permissions for all modules.


To change the permissions for modules, do the following.

  1. Select the Group by clicking its title located on the left.
  2. Find the desired Action.
    • Configure ACL & Options. Users can edit the options and permissions.
    • Access Administration Interface. Users can access user administration interface.
    • Create. Users can create modules.
    • Delete. Users can delete modules.
    • Edit. Users can edit modules.
    • Edit State. User can change the published state and related information.
    • Frontend Editing. Users can edit modules in the Frontend.
  3. Select the desired permission for the action you wish to change.
    • Inherited. Inherited for users in this Group from the Global Configuration permissions.
    • Allowed. Allowed for users in this Group.
      Note: If this action is Denied at one of the higher levels, the Allowed permission here will not take effect. A Denied setting cannot be overridden.
    • Denied. Denied for users in this Group.
  4. Click Save in Toolbar at top. When the screen refreshes, the Calculated Setting column will show the effective permission for this Group and Action.

Панель инструментов

At the top of the page you will see the toolbar shown in the Screenshot above.

  • Save. Saves the modules options and stays in the current screen.
  • Save & Close. Saves the modules options and closes the current screen.
  • Close. Closes the current screen and returns to the previous screen without saving any modifications you may have made.
  • Toggle Inline Help. Show help text below some options.
  • Help. Opens this help screen.

Быстрые советы

Enable module editing in Global Configuration.

Связанная информация

  • Related Help screen: Modules.
  • This Portal brings together information related specifically to Joomla 4.