
Privacy Dashboard

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This screen lists User Privacy Request Type, Status and Number of requests.


How to access[edit]

  • Select Users  Privacy Dashboard icon from the Administrator menu.



Dashboard Panels[edit]

Privacy Requests[edit]

  • Request Type. Displays the two different types of request
    • Export: when a user has sent a request for an export of their data
    • Remove: when a user has sent a request to be removed.
  • Status. Displays the status of the request
    • Invalid: a Super user has invalidated the request
    • Pending: when a user has sent a request but hasn't confirmed their request yet. Users have 2 ways to confirm: by visiting the URL mentioned in the email sent to the user or by copying the token from the email and paste it into the form in the given URL. The token is valid for 24 hours.
    • Confirmed: the user has confirmed their request.
    • Completed: a Super user has completed the request
  • # of requests. Displays the number of requests for each type
    This block displays also the total number of requests and the number of active requests

Privacy Status[edit]

  • Privacy Policy Published.(Published/Unpublished) Whether the Privacy Policy is published or unpublished. Navigate to Plugins  System - Privacy Consent, and select your Privacy Article. Once published, you can edit your Privacy Policy article from this screen.
  • Request Form Menu Item Published. (Published/Unpublished) Whether the Menu Item (which allows users to send requests) is published or unpublished. To create it, navigate to your Menu  Add New Menu Item  Menu Item Type: Create Request. Once published, you can edit your menu item from this screen.
  • Outstanding Urgent Requests. Number of urgent requests which are older than the number of days set in the Component Options (from 10 to 29 days).

Quick Tips[edit]

  • Click on a Request Type to view the requests.

Related Information[edit]