Hur du bygger en webbplats med Joomla gratis

From Joomla! Documentation

This page is a translated version of the page How to build your free Joomla Website and the translation is 10% complete.
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Vad är is a domain name used to allow individuals to create personal instances of the Joomla CMS in subdomains of the form, and so on. The subdomains are managed by the hosting service. With your own subdomain you can build and maintain a completely free Joomla website for an unlimited time. The free site features all of the Joomla CMS core functionalities that make building a website easy and flexible.

Din första webbplats på är ett jättebra sätt att snabbt skapa joomla webbplatser. Om Joomla är nytt för dig och du vill se hur den fungerar utan att behöva ladda ned och instalIera den själv. ger dig en bra möjlighet att göra det och du har en fullt fungerande webbplats på plats på några få minuter.

Step 1: Enter a suitable subdomain name


Alice and Bob are probably taken but you can choose any name that is easy to type and to remember.

Step 2: Select Your Joomla Version

As this is a new installation it is best to select the latest stable version.


Step 3: Create an account

Fill in your personal details and select the Register button.



  • Email Address: Din mailadress som du använder för att logga in på din webbplats och din Cloud Control Panel.
  • Country: Är data som gör det enkelt för oss att se var registreringar kommer från.
  • Vi kräver förstås att du godkänner våra Villkor o Regler, som du ingående kan läsa på registreringssidan.

Om du godkänner att ta del av våra mail så är detta endast ett sätt att ge oss tillstånd att skicka mail till dig. Detta är inget krav.

Step 4: Unlock Premium Features

If you do not wish to Unlock Premium Features for $5 per month you can select NOT NOW to proceed with your free site.

You will shortly receive a 6 digit token on the phone number that you entered.

Step 5: Verify Account


Use the token to complete the process - you will be logged in to the control panel (CCP).

Step 6: Control Panel


You will also receive an email with your free site login credentials. It may take a few minutes for your free Joomla site to become available. If you have any problems, open a New Ticket in the CPP and the support team will fix whatever needs fixing.

Important: Remember to login at least once a month and select the Renew button in time to keep your free site alive!

Step 7: Access your site

To access your site you can select the Login button in your CPP Your Products panel. It will take you directly to the Administrator Dashboard of your site. Or you can go directly to the subdomain you created (for example and login with the credentials sent to the email address you registered with.

Det är bara så enkelt och när du väl har din webbplats i gång, kan du konfigurera den och utöka den så som du vill. Tillträde till phpMyAdmin och FTP finns också tillgängligt om du skulle behöva det.

CPP Tools

Joomla is managed almost entirely from its Administrator pages. However, from time to time it is useful to have access to system tools for problem solving purposes. Select the Manage button in the CPP Your Products page for access to these tools.



phpMyAdmin is a utility used to work directly with databases. It really requires experience but experience can be built up as and when problems occur. For access, navigate via Application / Database and then Login to phpMyAdmin.


It is important to keep regular site backups of the files and database. Many users install a free Akeeba backup extension to do site backups from within Joomla. You can also create backups via Applications / Manage Backups and select the Create Backup button.

File Explorer

Access to files is sometimes useful, for example to examine Joomla log files that are not directly available from within the Joomla Administrator pages. Access is available via Server / File Explorer and the httpsdocs drop-down list.

How to get help when using

Since most of the platform’s functionality overlaps with that of the Joomla! CMS, users are also encouraged to seek help in the Joomla! Forum and in this Wiki Documentation.

Testa kommande utgåvor med

Tests are important in an open source project like Joomla as they provide quality assurance for upcoming releases. You can help with testing of new features and bug fixes by installing the Joomla Patchtester extension in your free Joomla site. No special skills are required to become a tester! If you have never tested pull requests, the Joomla Documentation provides all the tutorials you need. So be part of it, start testing Joomla today.


Caveats: You will need a GitHub account and a GitHub token. You will not be able to test pull requests involving CSS and JavaScript changes requiring NPM Resource Changes.