Come controllare la versione di Joomla?
From Joomla! Documentation
Avete bisogno di sapere quale versione di Joomla! è in esecuzione sul vostro sito web e non sapete dove trovarla nel backend? Ecco i diversi metodi, a seconda della versione di Joomla!
Joomla! 1.0.x
How To Access
From the Backend
- Log in the backend of your website,
- Go to Information → System Info: this screen contains all system information you may need, the Joomla! Version currently running, and also PHP, database versions and so on.
Other Ways
If you don’t have access to the backend, here are other ways to find the Joomla! version :
- By FTP, go to root → includes → joomla → version.php
- You can also view the source code of the page. In the head section, even if the version is not clearly mentioned, you know that you are running 1.0 version if the content of the meta generator tag is Copyright (C) 2005 - 2007 Open Source Matters.
Joomla! 1.5.x
How To Access
From the Backend
- Log in the backend of your website,
- Go to Help → System Info: this screen contains all system information you may need, the Joomla! Version currently running, and also PHP, database versions and so on.
The Joomla! version is also mentioned at the top right of every pages of the backend.
Other Ways
If you don’t have access to the backend, here are other ways to find the Joomla! version :
- By FTP, go to root → librairies → joomla → version.php: the version is mentioned in the lines var $RELEASE (for the release version) and var $DEV_LEVEL (for the maintenance version).
- By FTP, go to root → template → system → css → template.css: the version is not clearly mentioned, but you know that you are running 1.5 version thanks to this line: @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2010 Open Source Matters. If you do not have a FTP access, you can also open the template.css file in your browser.
- By FTP, go to root → languages → en-GB → en-GB.ini: the version is not clearly mentioned, but you know that you are running 1.5.26 thanks to the 1st line of this .ini file: # $Id: en-GB.ini 11391 2009-01-04 13:35:50Z ian $.
- You can also view the source code of the page. In the head section, the version is mentioned in the content of the meta generator tag: Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management.
Joomla! 1.6.x
How To Access
From the Backend
- Log in the backend of your website,
- Go to Site → System Information: this screen contains all system information you may need, the Joomla! Version currently running, and also PHP, database versions and so on.
The Joomla! version is also mentioned at the bottom of every pages of the backend.
Other Ways
If you don’t have access to the backend, here are other ways to find the Joomla! version :
- By FTP, go to root → libraries → joomla → version.php.
- By FTP, go to root → template → system → css → system.css: the version is not clearly mentioned, but you know that you are running 1.6 version thanks to this line: @version $Id: system.css 20196 2011-01-09 02:40:25Z ian $. If you do not have a FTP access, you can also open the system.css file in your browser.
- By FTP, go to root → languages → en-GB → en-GB.ini: the version is not clearly mentioned, but you know that you are running 1.6.0 thanks to the 1st line of this .ini file ; $Id: en-GB.ini 20196 2011-01-09 02:40:25Z ian $ or 1.6.5 if the 1st line is ; $Id: en-GB.ini 20990 2011-03-18 16:42:30Z infograf768 $.
Joomla! 1.7.x
How To Access
From the backend
- Log in the backend of your website,
- Go to Site → System Information: this screen contains all system information you may need, the Joomla! Version currently running, and also PHP, database versions and so on.
Other Ways
If you don’t have access to the backend, here are other ways to find the Joomla! version :
- By FTP, go to root → librairies → joomla → version.php: the version is mentioned in the lines var $RELEASE (for the release version) and var $DEV_LEVEL (for the maintenance version).
- By FTP, go to root → template → system → css → system.css: the version is not clearly mentioned, but you know that you are running 1.7 version thanks to this line: @version $Id: system.css 21322 2011-05-11 01:10:29Z dextercowley $. If you do not have a FTP access, you can also open the system.css file in your browser.
- By FTP, go to root → languages → en-GB → en-GB.ini: the version is not clearly mentioned, but you know that you are running 1.7.1 thanks to the 1st line of this .ini file ; $Id: en-GB.ini 20990 2011-03-18 16:42:30Z infograf768 $, 1.7.3 if the 1st line is ; $Id: en-GB.ini 22183 2011-09-30 09:04:32Z infograf768 $, 1.7.5 if the 1st line is ; $Id: en-GB.ini 22183 2011-09-30 09:04:32Z infograf768 $.
Joomla! 2.5.x
How To Access
From the Backend
- Log in the backend of your website,
- Go to Site → System Information: this screen contains all system information you may need, the Joomla! Version currently running, and also PHP, database versions and so on.
The Joomla! version is also mentioned at the bottom of every pages of the backend.
Other Ways
If you don’t have access to the backend, here are other ways to find the Joomla! version:
- By FTP, go to root → librairies → cms → version → version.php: the version is mentioned in the lines public $RELEASE (for the release version) and public $DEV_LEVEL (for the maintenance version).
- By FTP, go to root → template → system → css → system.css: the version is not clearly mentioned, but you know that you are running 2.5 thanks to this line: Copyright (C) 2005 - 2014 Open Source Matters, Inc. If you do not have a FTP access, you can also open the system.css file in your browser.
- By FTP, go to root → languages → en-GB → en-GB.xml: the version is mentioned in the file, in the version tag.
Joomla! 3.x.x
How To Access
From the Backend
- Log in the backend of your website,
- Go to System → System Information: this screen contains all system information you may need, the Joomla! Version currently running, and also PHP, database versions and so on.
The Joomla! version is also mentioned at the bottom right of every pages of the backend.
Joomla! 4.x.x
How To Access
From the Backend
- Log in the backend of your website,
- Go to System → System Information: this screen contains all system information you may need, the Joomla! Version currently running, and also PHP, database versions and so on.
The Joomla! version is also mentioned at the bottom right of every pages of the backend.
Other Ways
If you don’t have access to the backend, here are other ways to find the Joomla! version :
- For Joomla < 3.8.x: via filesystem, go to root → libraries → cms → version → version.php
- For Joomla >= 3.8.x: via filesystem, go to root → libraries → src → Version.php
The version is mentioned in the lines public $RELEASE (for the release version) and public $DEV_LEVEL (for the maintenance version).