Liste in einen Beitrag einfügen
From Joomla! Documentation
Geordnete und ungeordnete Listen sind gängige Mittel zur Darstellung von Informationen. Einem Beitrag eine Liste hinzufügen:
- Den Beitrag zur Bearbeitung öffnen, entweder durch:
- Click the Content > Article Manager menu item to go to the Article Manager, select the Article and click the Edit toolbar button.
- Clicking the Add New Article button in the Control Panel.
- If logged in to the Front-end, you have appropriate permissions and are viewing the Article you wish to edit: Click the Edit toolbar button.
- Place the cursor at the position in the article where you want to insert a list.
- Choose either the Ordered list or Unordered list editor toolbar button.
- The default ordered list begins with the numeral 1. and the unordered list starts with a bullet point.
- Enter the text for each line of the list.
- Type enter to create a new line and number/bullet.
- Type enter twice to finish the list or start a new line and click the Ordered List or Unordered List editor toolbar button.
Note the following:
- Change the list type part way through by clicking the alternate button.
- If you create a new ordered list later in your article, the numbering will restart from 1.
- Use the Indent and Outdent editor toolbar buttons to create child lists. You may change the type of the child list by clicking the alternate button.