Design the content categories for Joomla!
From Joomla! Documentation
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The "J2.5" namespace is a namespace scheduled to be archived. This page contains information for a Joomla! version which is no longer supported. It exists only as a historical reference, it will not be improved and its content may be incomplete and/or contain broken links.
Articles in this Series
Start Here:
Hands-on a Joomla! site:
- Use a site that has already been set up.
- Install a copy of Joomla! on your own computer, known as localhost
- Use the Demo on the Joomla! site.
Adding and altering Articles:
Editing Articles:
- Hands-on adding links to other pages
- Hands-on adding a table
- Hands-on adding a picture
- Hands-on splitting a long article
- Manipulating Articles using the Front-end
Setting up a Joomla! site:
- Background: get to know the Back-end
- Background: controlling user access to a Joomla! Site
- Background: design the content - Categories
- Background: design appearance using Menus and Modules
- Background: design appearance using default Templates
- Hands-on setting up a Joomla! site
Doing and learning more:
Most content is of relevant to both versions. Originally written for Joomla! version . In process of being updated:
This is one of a series of documents introducing Joomla! 2.5 and it is part of the background to creating a new site. The aim of this document is:-
- to explore how the content of Joomla! sites is organised in a hierachy, using Categories, subcategories and Articles.
- to explore how to design the content structure
- to demonstrate how to decide which Categories (and perhaps Subcategories) are needed for a new site.
Background to creating a new Joomla! 2.5 web site[edit]
There are four aspects to designing a new Joomla! web site. These also apply to planning to make alterations(including upgrading versions J1.5 to J2.5+) to an existing site or planning for transferring a site that already exists in another form into the Joomla! CMS.
- The content hierarchy:
- Who you expect to use the site and what you want them to be able to do
- The layout of the menus and the position of some functionality on the page
- The graphical design of the whole site
Who is it written for?[edit]
Everyone: who is going to create a Joomla! site.
- It will also be useful to someone who is going to alter a Joomla! site.
- It is written on the assumption that you do not have experience of the structure of a Joomla! site.
- It assumes that you have explored adding and altering Articles
Overview of the hierachy of Categories and Articles[edit]
Joomla! has a hierachical structure in the background for organising the content of the site. You need to know about this because it is better to plan ahead and exploit the content structure than set off in a random direction. This equally true whether you are creating a new site or altering an existing one.
There are at least two levels in the content hierachy:-
- Category: collections of Articles. Categories can have subcategories.
- Articles: which are in a Category. Each Article can be in exactly one category.
And, outside the hierachy but closely associated with it:-
- Menus: these are familiar parts of many web sites and are used for site navigation. They are not part of the organisation in the content hierachy. See Background: Menus and Modules
You should already be aware of the vocabulary of Categories, Articles and Menus from other documents in this series.
Exploring the hierachy of Categories and Articles[edit]
These can best be explored by looking at the Administrator pages of an existing site.
- Login to the Back-end of a web site with content. The localhost site with the sample content is an ideal example.
- Explore the Categories and Articles and note how they relate to one another.
- Categories are collections of articles.
- Each Category can be a child or subcategory of another category.
- There is a special Category, built into Joomla!, called 'Uncategorized'. This is outside the content hierachy but can be displayed through a menu item.
Explore the Category Manager
- Click on the Category Manager icon in the Control Panel.
The sample data has nine categories. A larger site - or one that exploits Categories for displaying Articles - can have a lot more.
- Click on the title to open a Category for editing. This displays the Workspace page which consists of Details and Description parts, as well as the usual Toolbar icons. The data in the Details and Description parts can be altered here. The Description appears on the Site when a Menu is created to list the contents of the Category. This too can be altered using the same editor as that used for Articles on the site. Explore this as needed - it is where you can publish/unpublish Categories or alter the order in which they are displayed in pull-down lists.
Help - a lot more detailed information about what you can do using Category Management - click the Icon
- Categories and Articles work together to create a hierachy of items.
- Categories group articles in a logical structure that makes the site easier to use, manage and understand.
- Each Category can be a child or subcategory of one other Category.
- Articles are organised inside Categories. This is the organisation of the Articles in the Back-end.
- Each Article can be in one Category.
- This structure is used by the Menu system. But the menus are not necessarily the same as the back-end content structure.
- There are built-in layouts in Joomla! that take advantage of this organization and make it possible to list articles that belong to different Categories.
Design a content hierachy for a new Web site[edit]
For a New web site you need to:-
- Design a suitable hierachy for new content
- There is no automatic way to do this - you have to think about it and whether you are going to want to exploit blog and list layouts.
Cross Reference: Blog and list layouts: These are choices for displaying articles under different types of menus - see Background: using Menus and Modules |
Note that the sample site - and many others - use a variety of techniques. They do not limit themselves to one level in the hierachy but set up the design to allow for multiple levels of content and also some blog and list layouts.
Looking at what information you are going to have on your site[edit]
The key is a good understanding of the purpose of the site and what features will be displayed. This is not entirely straight forward. When it has all been done and in retrospect, it looks easy. But it is actually challenging to identify the main Categories and translate these into likely content.
- Clubs
- These can be very varied as a sailing club one illustrates: the content is quite complex because such clubs have a lot of activities, they have boats and they usually have a property of some sort. They also aim at different people - sailors, social members, young people and learners. It is not a business but it does want to encourage people to join and wants to give a lot of on-going information about club activites and local sailing conditions. There are about 1500 sailing clubs and associations in Great Britain alone and the web sites are all different. There may be people who want to enter their own content, so you could have a number of Authors or Publishers responsible for adding detail about events or reports on events or descriptions of boats and much else. So such a site could be very varied and quite dynamic.
- Associations
- There are many organisations who want to keep their members in touch with one another and also provide information about activities. There are also orgnisations who want to disseminate informatation, or even to campaign on particular issues. They may need a less complex structure than a club, but might expect a certain amount of interactivity with people contributing content and news.
- Personal sites
- Web sites for personal information work very well in Joomla! because you can have some items open to everyone and others restricted to a few friends and family.
- The structure could be quite varied if you have a lot of interestes or separate things you want to write about. On the other hand, it is likely that there will not be many people adding content.
Things to think about[edit]
- How clear are you as to what the content will be exactly?
- It may help if there is an existing site, or a similar one which will give hints about likely topics.
- What are the main topics to be covered?
- Some sites lend themselves to being thought of as hierachies and others do not fall so easily into place. There may be a number of separate topics, for example.
- How much content do you expect and does it change a lot
- Changing content gives a dynamic or interactive web site
- Are there to be a lot of visitors adding their own content
- Some sites allow a lot of visitors to add content - some allow very few
The final design depends a lot on the range of content and how you think of it in a Category hierachy. If you are not in a hurry and not very experienced, there is a lot to be said for Serendipity, that is to say finding out about your requirements as you go along. So you do not have to stick rigidly to your initial thoughts. It is worth having an inital plan, even if you do change it in the light of experience.
A pencil and paper iterative process[edit]
The advantage of thinking it out is that you do not get distracted by how you are going to implement the design - you just focus on the content.
- A list
- Make an initial list of the content you know is going to be displayed on the web site. Then add a note as to whether the items can be grouped in any way.
- Write it out
- Take some slips of paper and on each one write the name of an item of content.
- Add other information
- this helps you group things together. Consider things like whether there will be a lot of content changes and who might update it.
- Organise the slips to make a hierachy
- They can be moved around and as you do this - you will notice things you have not included.
- List the Categories and subcategories out clearly ready to create them on the web site.
Example - part of a hierachy for a club web site[edit]
The example below takes part of a design for a sailing club web site showing how the basic information about the club could be designed in Categories and subcategories. Here the site is presenting some information about the club. The whole web site would have maybe five or six main Categories and a number of Categories under each of those. They would be based on the kinds of information that members and others need, such as programmes of events, weather conditions, the kinds of boats sailed and so on.
- An example: This will be used again in defining a menu structure and setting up a site
Category Subcategory About About the club Contacts Find Us How to Join Subscriptions Newsletters History
Where next?[edit]
Further information[edit]
- on the hierachy
--Lorna Scammell March 2011