The reCaptcha function has been temporarily disabled for Joomla 3.2
From Joomla! Documentation
Error Message: The reCaptcha function has been temporarily disabled for Joomla 3.2
Versions affected[edit]
What is the cause[edit]
Google [changed the reCAPTCHA URL](!topic/recaptcha/V7qswqBnA1o)
How to fix[edit]
For v 3.2, go to plugins/captcha/recaptcha/recaptcha.php and change:
- - line 22 to the new RECAPTCHA_API_SERVER URL of ''
- - line 24 to the new RECAPTCHA_VERIFY_SERVER URL of ''
- - line 129 to the new RECAPTCHA_VERIFY_SERVER value of '/recaptcha/api/verify'
See the change in the next patch:
This fix will be included in the next release.