J3.x:Integra le Estensioni con il Componente Privacy
From Joomla! Documentation
Le informazioni vengono fornite agli sviluppatori di estensioni per aiutarli a creare integrazioni con il Privacy Tool Suite.
Funzionalità dell'estensione relative alla privacy
Il nuovo componente privacy ha delle Funzionalità che consente alle estensioni di segnalare le funzionalità relative alla privacy. Lo scopo di questa sezione è aiutare gli utenti a capire cosa può fare un'estensione correlata ai dati personali degli utenti e aiutare i proprietari dei siti a pianificare di conseguenza. Per i dettagli su questa sezione, compreso il modo in cui un plugin dovrebbe integrarsi con essa, vedere la paginailReport Extension Capabilities in Privacy Component.
Check for a Published Privacy Policy
The privacy component's health check notifies users if there is a privacy policy published on the website. This check is performed by the onPrivacyCheckPrivacyPolicyPublished event which can be subscribed to by plugins in the privacy, system, and user plugin groups. The event receives an associative array by reference with two keys as its argument:
- "published" - A boolean value indicating that there is a published policy
- "editLink" - The URL to edit the policy item, this is displayed if there is a privacy policy published
- "articlePublished" - The article state when it exists in the database
As a best practice, it is suggested that plugins first check if the "published" flag is already set to true and not make further changes to the data array if so. Note that the System - Privacy Consent core plugin will process this event.
public function onPrivacyCheckPrivacyPolicyPublished(&$policy)
// If another plugin has already indicated a policy is published, we won't change anything here
if ($policy['published'])
// Do stuff to find the privacy policy data
// For core, we check if the article exists in the database and is published or not
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true)
->select($this->db->quoteName(array('id', 'state')))
->where($this->db->quoteName('id') . ' = ' . (int) $articleId);
$article = $this->db->loadObject();
// Check if the article exists
if (!$article)
// Check if the article is published
if ($article->state == 1)
$policy['articlePublished'] = true;
$policy['published'] = true;
$policy['editLink'] = ''; // The link to the item's edit page, processed through JRoute, i.e. JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_content&task=article.edit&id=1');
Add Data to Export Requests
As a convenience, there are several helper methods in the PrivacyPlugin class and it is recommended that privacy plugins extend this class to inherit those helpers (this is similar to the FinderIndexerAdapter class for Smart Search plugins as an example).
JLoader::register('PrivacyPlugin', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_privacy/helpers/plugin.php');
class PlgPrivacyContent extends PrivacyPlugin {}
To add data to an export request, a plugin in the privacy or system plugin groups must subscribe to the onPrivacyExportRequest event.
The event receives two arguments:
- $request - A PrivacyTableRequest object containing the information request record from the database
- $user - If there is an account for the email address of the information request, a Joomla\CMS\User\User object is given containing the user account data
The event must return an array of PrivacyExportDomain objects containing the data to be exported for a given domain. If the plugin has no data, it must return an empty array.
A PrivacyExportDomain data object typically represents the data found from a table in the database and is made up of three elements:
- Domain name - A name to identify the domain
- Domain description - A short description of the data contained in the domain
- Domain items - An array of PrivacyExportItem data objects containing all items within the domain
A PrivacyExportItem data object represents a single item within the data domain and is made up of two elements:
- Item ID - The primary identifier for this item within the domain, typically this will be the database record's primary key
- Item fields - An array of PrivacyExportField data objects containing each field for the item
The PrivacyExportField data object represents a single field within an item and is made up of two elements:
- Field name - The name of the field
- Field value - The field's value
The general workflow for the export process is this:
- Validate the plugin should actually process data
- Query the data from the database
- Create a domain for the results (the createDomain method inherited from the PrivacyPlugin class can help with this)
- Add items for each row
- The createItemFromArray method inherited from the PrivacyPlugin class can be used to create a PrivacyExportItem object from an array (this should be used in conjunction with the database's loadAssocList method)
- The createItemForTable method inherited from the PrivacyPlugin class can be used to create a PrivacyExportItem object from a Joomla\CMS\Table\Table object
- Return the domain
Below is an example for exporting articles created by a user, including custom field data.
use Joomla\CMS\User\User;
JLoader::register('FieldsHelper', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_fields/helpers/fields.php');
JLoader::register('PrivacyPlugin', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_privacy/helpers/plugin.php');
class PlgPrivacyContent extends PrivacyPlugin
* @var JDatabaseDriver
protected $db;
* @var array
protected $contents = array();
public function onPrivacyExportRequest(PrivacyTableRequest $request, User $user = null)
// This plugin only processes data for registered user accounts
if (!$user)
return array();
$domains = array();
$domains[] = $this->createContentDomain($user);
// Create domains for each article's custom fields
foreach ($this->contents as $content)
$domains[] = $this->createContentCustomFieldsDomain($content);
return $domains;
private function createContentDomain(User $user)
$domain = $this->createDomain('user_content', 'joomla_user_content_data');
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true)
->where($this->db->quoteName('created_by') . ' = ' . (int) $user->id)
->order($this->db->quoteName('ordering') . ' ASC');
$items = $this->db->setQuery($query)->loadAssocList();
// Add each article to the domain
foreach ($items as $item)
// Store the article for use in the custom fields processing
$this->contents[] = (object) $item;
return $domain;
private function createContentCustomFieldsDomain($content)
$domain = $this->createDomain('content_custom_fields', 'joomla_content_custom_fields_data');
// Get item's fields, also preparing their value property for manual display
$fields = FieldsHelper::getFields('com_content.article', $content);
foreach ($fields as $field)
$fieldValue = is_array($field->value) ? implode(', ', $field->value) : $field->value;
$data = array(
'content_id' => $content->id,
'field_name' => $field->name,
'field_title' => $field->title,
'field_value' => $fieldValue,
return $domain;
Process Removal Requests
Processing a removal request requires two steps: Validating that the subject's data can be removed, and the actual removal. Again it is suggested that plugins extend the PrivacyPlugin class, however this is not a strict requirement.
JLoader::register('PrivacyPlugin', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_privacy/helpers/plugin.php');
class PlgPrivacyUser extends PrivacyPlugin {}
Validate Data Can Be Removed
If the plugin may need to block a subject's data from being removed, it must subscribe to the onPrivacyCanRemoveData event. Generally, a removal should be blocked if there are valid legal reasons to retain the data or if removal may cause permanent damage to the site (for example, the core Privacy - User Accounts prohibits removing a super user account).
The event receives two arguments:
- $request - A PrivacyTableRequest object containing the information request record from the database
- $user - If there is an account for the email address of the information request, a Joomla\CMS\User\User object is given containing the user account data
The event must return a PrivacyRemovalStatus data object which specifies if the data cannot be removed and a reason for the inability to remove the data.
use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;
use Joomla\CMS\User\User;
JLoader::register('PrivacyPlugin', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_privacy/helpers/plugin.php');
JLoader::register('PrivacyRemovalStatus', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_privacy/helpers/removal/status.php');
class PlgPrivacyUser extends PrivacyPlugin
public function onPrivacyCanRemoveData(PrivacyTableRequest $request, User $user = null)
$status = new PrivacyRemovalStatus;
// We only need to check if there is an associated user account
if (!$user)
return $status;
// We will not remove a super user account from the site
if ($user->authorise('core.admin'))
$status->canRemove = false;
return $status;
Remove or Anonymize Data
If the plugin handles the removal or anonymization of data, it must subscribe to the onPrivacyRemoveData event.
The event receives two arguments:
- $request - A PrivacyTableRequest object containing the information request record from the database
- $user - If there is an account for the email address of the information request, a Joomla\CMS\User\User object is given containing the user account data
Unlike the other events in this component, plugins are not expected to return any data.
Depending on the underlying data's requirements, plugins should anonymize information that is retained and remove any data that is no longer necessary. If necessary, the plugin may perform other actions related to the request and/or user account.
The below example demonstrates how Joomla anonymizes and removes data related to the core user account.
use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
use Joomla\CMS\User\User;
JLoader::register('PrivacyPlugin', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_privacy/helpers/plugin.php');
class PlgPrivacyUser extends PrivacyPlugin
* @var JDatabaseDriver
protected $db;
public function onPrivacyRemoveData(PrivacyTableRequest $request, User $user = null)
// This plugin only processes data for registered user accounts
if (!$user)
$pseudoanonymisedData = array(
'name' => 'User ID ' . $user->id,
'username' => bin2hex(random_bytes(12)), // Generates a random username
'email' => 'UserID' . $user->id . 'removed@email.invalid',
'block' => true,
// Destroy all sessions for the user account
$sessionIds = $this->db->setQuery(
->where($this->db->quoteName('userid') . ' = ' . (int) $user->id)
// If there aren't any active sessions then there's nothing to do here
if (empty($sessionIds))
$storeName = Factory::getConfig()->get('session_handler', 'none');
$store = JSessionStorage::getInstance($storeName);
$quotedIds = array();
// Destroy the sessions and quote the IDs to purge the session table
foreach ($sessionIds as $sessionId)
$quotedIds[] = $this->db->quote($sessionId);
->where($this->db->quoteName('session_id') . ' IN (' . implode(', ', $quotedIds) . ')')