Recursos Nativos do Joomla
From Joomla! Documentation
Joomla! é um dos aplicativos mais populares do mundo. É usado para construir, organizar, gerenciar e publicar conteúdos de sites, blogs, intranets e aplicativos móveis. Graças a sua arquitetura MVC flexível, é uma ferramenta perfeita para criar aplicativos web.
Com mais de 3% da web rodando Joomla! e uma fatia do mercado de CMSs de mais de 9%, fortalece a presença web de milhares de pequenos negócios, governos, ONGs e grandes organizações, como Citibank, eBay, Universidade de Harvard, Ikea, McDonald's e Sony.
Um CMS ganhador de vários prêmios e mantido por uma comunidade internacional com mais de meio milhão de voluntários ativos, ajuda desde usuários sem experiência até os mais experientes tornarem suas visões digitais uma realidade.
Aqui apresentamos alguns dos recursos do Joomla!
Joomla! é plataforma CMS multi-idioma de código aberta mais porpular e bem mantida no mundo, traduzida em mais de 60 idiomas. Webmasters e criadores de conteúdo podem construir sites para mais de um idioma contando apenas com as opções disponíveis nativamente no Joomla! Essa é uma grande conquista e representa o poder de criar projetos mais acessíveis, indo ao encontro de um público bem maior.
Manutenção Ativa
Nossa comunidade mundial viva é composta por indivíduos e equipes de desenvolvedores e consultores empresariais que ajudam regularmente, sem cobrar, nos fóruns. Existem milhares de fornecedores experientes em Joomla! no munto todo que podem ajudar a criar, manter e promover seus projetos com o CMS. A Comunidade Joomla! apresenta um grande número de profissionais reconhecidos no Diretório Joomla de Recursos (Joomla! Resources Directory).
PHP 7 Support
Since Joomla! 3.5.0, Joomla! supports the most recent release of Zend’s PHP: PHP 7, which provides a significant performance boost to your website. Joomla! users can enjoy the benefit of that performance improvement. Joomla! still provides legacy PHP support going back to PHP version 5.4 for web servers that have not yet upgraded.
Atualizações Simples
Um dos maiores desafios de um aplicativo é mantê-lo atualizado. Felizmente, Joomla! oferece o recurso Atualização de Versão Rápida que torna o processo super fácil para usuários com qualquer nível de conhecimento.
O sistema de atualização nativa também oferece verificação automática, que avisa quando um atualização está disponível; isso inclui o sistema e as extensões que usam esse recurso. Manter tudo atualizado é essencial para manter seguro seu site e dados e Jooma! oferece as ferramentas para fazer isso de forma simples.
As of Joomla! 3.5.0, thanks to the new email update notification plugin, your Joomla! website checks for the availability of new Joomla! versions and when one is found it sends the Super Users on the site an email notification.
- Ver também: Atualizando o Joomla (Método de Atualização).
Sistema de Ajuda Integrado
Joomla! tem um sistema de ajuda contextual para auxiliar usuários nos vários níveis a operar seu site. A maioria das páginas tem um botão de ajuda no canto superior direito, para ajudar a compreender melhor as opções da página visualizada. Existe também um glossário em inglês explicativo dos termos. Um verificador de versões confirma se você está usando a versão mais recente. Uma ferramenta de informações do sistema ajuda a resolver problemas. Se tudo der errado, estão disponíveis links para várias fontes na web com ajuda e suportes adicionais, como a Documentação do Joomla! e o Fórum de Usuários.
- Ver também: Help Screens.
Media Manager
The Media Manager is the tool for easily uploading, organizing and managing your media files and folders. You can even handle more types of files, thanks to the configurable MIME settings. The Media Manager is integrated into the Article Editor so you can access images and all other media files for easy usage and enhancement of your written content.
- See also: Adding an image to an article and Media Manager.
Banner Management
With the banner manager you have the possibility to easily add advertising and monetize your website. The tool allows you to create clients and campaigns, to add as many banners as you need, even custom codes, to set impression numbers, track the clicks and much more...
- See also: How to use the Banner Component
Contact Management
Not enough with just one contact form on your site? The contacts component allows you to add several contacts, departments and categories, and extend the basic contact information with miscellaneous information and an image. Easily set up a contact form for each contact you create and allow access to the public or just to some registered users, or create a listing of these contacts.
Search better, Search Smarter
With the built-in search and smart search, your website visitors will be able to quickly and easily find the appropriate information on your site. And even more, thanks to the statistics you can analyze your visitors needs and streamline your content even better to serve them. You have the ability to use the included smart indexing, advanced search options, auto suggest searches - making Joomla! search the best in class right out of the box.
Content Management
Joomla! is a Content management system at heart and has some seriously great features that make organising and managing your content a breeze. Content creation is made very easy by the inbuilt WYSIWYG editor and allows you to edit content without any knowledge of code. After you created your content you'll find a lot of possibilities to show it on the frontend. Next to different layouts, you're able to use several pre installed modules to show the most popular articles, latest items, related articles and more.
As of Joomla! 3.5, adding an image is as easy as dragging and dropping it from your computer directly into the content. This works anywhere that you are using the default TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor. And if you want to add a module into an article, Joomla! 3.5 makes it really easy with a button directly on the editor toolbar. You don’t need to learn any syntax or remember the module details as the user interface does it for you.
- See also: Article Management
Nested categorization
When you are managing content, organisation is a key requirement. Being able to create categories with nesting and no limits on depth is a great plus in helping manage large websites.
When categorisation is not enough to structure your content, it's time to look at a flat organisation structure which is best served by tagging. What's more, tagging in Joomla! also supports nesting, so limits are just not there! Start tagging.
- See also: How To Use Content Tags in Joomla!
Frontend Editing
Editing content should be easy and fast. You are reading through your site's content and see a change you need to make. No need to login to the administrative section (backend) any more for simple edits of content and modules. Simply click and edit from the frontend.
Content Versioning
You will never again lose a previous important version of your article and other changes on your site. You are now able to track exactly who made what changes, when, and, if a version note was entered, why the item got edited. Then if needed you can revert to any previous version.
Syndication and Newsfeed Management
Make sure your visitors stay updated on the new content you're adding, even when they come only once in a while. With Syndication you create a feed that users subscribe to in their favorite RSS reader and so they receive the updates. With newsfeed management, you can integrate RSS feeds to your site. Gather all posts from some of the largest news sites and show them on your site for example.
- See also: Syndication Feeds
Menu Manager
The Menu Manager allows you to create as many menus and menu items as you need. You can structure your menu hierarchy (and nested menu items) completely independent of your content structure. Put one menu in multiple places and in any style you want; use rollovers, dropdown, flyouts and just about any other navigation system you can think of. Also automatic breadcrumbs are generated to help navigate your site users.
- See also: Menu Management
Powerful Extensibility
The Joomla! core is just the beginning, the real power is in the way you can customize Joomla. More than 8.000 extensions are available to extend your website and broaden its funcionality. Visit the Joomla Extensions Directory or use the Joomla extension finder built right into Joomla! to see thousands of ways to enhance Joomla! to suit your needs.
Extensive ACL for all your access control needs
ACL stands for Access Control List, it allows you to manage the users of your site, and different groups. When you're managing large content portals or even intranets that means you need extensive control on who can see what and who can edit or manage what. The Joomla! ACL is extremely powerful and can be tweaked via configuration to suit any needs you might have.
- See also: ACL Tutorial
Google reCAPTCHA
Google introduced a no CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA API in December 2014. We updated the reCAPTCHA plugin to protect your login and registration forms against spam. While still supporting the old reCAPTCHA 1.0, you can now also use it for the new reCAPTCHA version 2.0. A significant number of your users can now attest they are human without having to solve a CAPTCHA. Instead with just a single click they’ll confirm they are not a robot.
Collapsible Sidebar
Joomla 3.0 brought a fresh new bootstrapped look to the Joomla! admin interface and one of the major improvements was an increase in usable screen area in the Joomla! backend. Joomla! 3.4 takes this a step further by making the Extension Sidebar menu collapsible for both a mobile device and a full screen display.
Two Factor Authentication
Joomla! was the first major CMS to implement two-factor authentication. Add a single-use code received on your cell phone or a Yubikey to your existing passwords to make your site extra hack-proof.
- See also:Two Factor Authentication
Joomla! for Designers
Design Uncoupled
Joomla! was one of the pioneers in open source CMS's by adopting a MVC design strategy. MVC means that views are strictly separate from the business logic. This is a huge advantage since you own the views or can override them to achieve superior custom designs. Joomla! not only gives you the design freedom that you have always craved but can help you make your sites stand out in the crowd!
- See also:Model View Controller
Responsive with Bootstrap
Joomla! is Mobile Ready and allows you to build more than just websites but online applications that can respond to virtually any device. Joomla! core templates are built with Bootstrap making it responsive out of the box. Which means you have a toolset to work with which makes creating templates even easier!
Do More with Less
Spend less time coding and reduce the tedious tasks associated with building interfaces in Joomla! 3. Joomla! now features LESS CSS and jQuery which means you can write less code to achieve greater results. In addition the Icomoon font icon library provides a wealth of retina-optimized icons. The Joomla! User Interface (JUI) library gives you a standardized backend & frontend interface.
- See also:Joomla LESS and Joomla Standard Icomoon Fonts
Override Away!
With a highly advanced override system, designers get an awesome amount of power over how pages & elements of pages are presented without touching any of the core code! Practically any HTML generated by Joomla! can be customized to your project.
Beautiful Fonts for that extra edge
Designers know the power of fonts for expressing ideas and design strategies. With Joomla! you do not need to get constrained by standard Web fonts. The Joomla! core itself opens a whole new world of expression because it allows you the freedom to use Google fonts to make that new design dream come true!
Template Management
Templates in Joomla! are more than a framework for managing your designs but a powerful tool suite for making your site look exactly the way you want. You have complete control of your presentation since you can either use a single template for the entire site or a separate template for each site section or menu item. The level of visual control goes a step further with powerful template overrides, allowing you to customize each part of your pages.
- See also: Template Management
Lighter Core
Joomla! 3.4 is the first release as per the new CMS roadmap and development strategy in which the project has decided to pursue a lighter Joomla! core by removing some features from the core and making them available as installable extensions and let site owners decide what features they want.
Joomla! for Developers
User Management
Joomla! has a registration system that allows users to configure personal options. Out of the box, there are nine user groups with various types of permissions on what users are allowed to access, edit, publish and administer. Authentication is an important part of user management and Joomla! supports multiple protocols, including LDAP, OpenID, and even Gmail. This allows users to use their existing account information to streamline the registration process. All of this can be added onto with extensions, giving you complete control over what users can access and how they authenticate to your site.
- See also: User Management
System Features
Speedy page loads are possible with page caching, granular-level module caching, and GZIP page compression. If your system administrator needs to troubleshoot an issue, an extended debugging mode and error reporting are invaluable. The FTP Layer allows file operations (like installing Extensions) without having to make all the folders and files writable, making your site administrator's life easier and increasing the security of your site. Administrators quickly and efficiently communicate with users one-on-one through private messaging or all site users via the mass mailing system.
Cloud Storage APIs
A new API in Joomla! will allow Joomla! to access cloud storage services including Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Rackspace and Dropbox. This allows sites to now use these services as content distribution networks without the need for third party extensions.
Web Services
In a web where content is being shared across multiple networks, Joomla! makes it easy to manage your content from a single location. With APIs supporting several third party services and a connector enabling requests to anywhere on the web, users and developers have a magnitude of power and data readily available to them.
Microdata library implementation
Developers will now be able to incorporate microdata more easily into their extensions and sites. From automating the Author tag in articles, to generating detailed markup for directories of information, the microdata library will significantly enhance how you can optimise SEO with Joomla.
- See also: Microdata
Composer Integration
In Joomla! 3.3, we introduced code from the Joomla! Framework into the CMS; however, the method in which it was installed into the filesystem does not align with how Composer installs code. For the 3.4 release, we are integrating Composer into the CMS so that it will managed external dependencies such as the Joomla! Framework and PHPMailer.
- See also:Using Composer with Joomla!
Extension Beta Testing
A micro feature on the surface and one aimed at extension developers as well as those of our users who love to play with bleeding edge stuff, this feature will allow extension developers to now have a option to offer testing alpha and beta releases to their users who wish to test them by flagging the releases accordingly.