
J3.x:从Joomla 3.4.x 升级到 3.5

From Joomla! Documentation

This page is a translated version of the page J3.x:Upgrading from Joomla 3.4.x to 3.5 and the translation is 30% complete.
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开始升级之前,请务必做好整站备份 备份 别忘了测试备份.


使用Joomla! 更新组件



If you're using OpCache with the setting opcache.revalidate_freq with a number greater than 1, some of the classes (like JVersion) might be cached from a previous request and thus make the update script fail. Set opcache.revalidate_freq to 0 in that case and retry.



Note Clicking the "Update URL" link in Components  Joomla Update allows the browser to by-pass the server and directly download the correct update package.

  1. 方法B
    (如果你没有能力直接在服务器上进行解压缩,请看方法 C)
    1. 复制更新包到你的网站根目录并解压缩.注意,你要选择覆盖现有的文件. 例如, 在eee-eee.com,使用FTP管理客户端上传更新包到服务器的根目录eee-eee.com/并解压缩。 "覆盖现有的文件夹".
    1. 登录到Joomla! 后台管理并到 扩展  管理  数据库 并点击左上角的“修复”按钮.

方法 A

    1. 组件  Joomla更新. 点击 "更新链接" 并保存更新包到你的电脑上面.
    2. 复制更新包 (你刚刚下载的)到网站 /tmp 文件夹中 (关于/tmp文件夹的位置在,网站>系统>全局设置>服务器 - 确保它是正确的目录)
      (N.B. this method only works with the update package that the Joomla! Update component discovers. It will not work for other update packages or the Joomla full package. It also requires an internet connection to the Joomla Update XML file).
    3. 转到 组件  Joomla更新. Joomla !更新组件将从你的/ tmp文件夹使用更新包进行更新.
  1. Method C
    Only use this method if method A and method B fail:
    1. Download the update package from https://downloads.joomla.org
    2. Extract the download package on your computer
    3. Using your favorite FTP software, upload the folders and files at the root of the website or in the folder where your Joomla! installation is located. (NOTE: If you are using Filezilla, click on "Replace" for all, if you are using WinSCP, click on upload and then allow override for all. The FTP software will overwrite the existing files and add the new ones.)
    4. Please see https://gist.github.com/mbabker/d7bfb4e1e2fbc6b7815a733607f89281


See also: Updating from an existing version.