

From Joomla! Documentation

This page is a translated version of the page J3.x:User Action Logs and the translation is 50% complete.
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Joomla 3.9の時点で、Joomlaはアクションログシステムを導入しました。

このシステムは、GSoC 2016の「アクションログの記録」プロジェクトの最終版です。このシステムは、Webサイトで実行されたアクティビティの監査ログを作成するインフラストラクチャを提供し、サイト管理者の好みに合わせて調整できます。エクステンションは、このシステムにフックしてカスタムメッセージを追加したり、システムに標準のCRUDアクションを処理させることができます。



ユーザーアクションログ ダッシュボード

ユーザ  ユーザ アクションログと移動して、ダッシュボードにアクセスします。





システム - ユーザーアクションログ




プライバシー - アクションログ



Action Logs - Latest Module

This admin module shows on the control panel a list of the latest actions performed on a site.


Note: The module is not displayed by default on sites upgrading to Joomla 3.9. In order to display it on your control panel, navigate to Extensions  Manage  Manage  Enable the System - User Actions Log plugin and then go to Extensions  Modules  Administrator  New  Action Logs-Latest

Please see also: Latest Actions Admin Module.

How to hook an extension to the system

Please feel free to edit this section by improving or correcting it.

Component Installation Script

Add the extension to the table (#__action_logs_extensions) so that it will appear in the configuration of User Action Logs.

        $extension = 'com_mycomponent';
        $db = Factory::getDbo();
        $db->setQuery(' INSERT into #__action_logs_extensions (extension) VALUES ('.$db->Quote($extension).') ' );
	    try {
	        // If it fails, it will throw a RuntimeException
	        $result = $db->execute();
	    } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
	        return false;

Add the extension configuration to the table (#__action_log_config) so that your actions data will be captured.

		$logConf = new stdClass();
		$logConf->id = 0;
		$logConf->type_title = 'transaction';
		$logConf->type_alias = $extension;
		$logConf->id_holder = 'id';
		$logConf->title_holder = 'trans_desc';
		$logConf->table_name = '#__mycomponent_transaction';
		$logConf->text_prefix = 'COM_MYCOMPONENT_TRANSACTION';

	    try {
	       	// If it fails, it will throw a RuntimeException
			// Insert the object into the table.
			$result = Factory::getDbo()->insertObject('#__action_log_config', $logConf);
	    } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
	        return false;

Of course it would be best to perform some checking to ensure that the record doesn't already exist.

Component Helper

In this example, the component helper is used to perform the storing of actions.

	 * Record transaction details in log record
	 * @param   object  $user    Saves getting the current user again.
	 * @param   int     $tran_id  The transaction id just created or updated
	 * @param   int     $id  Passed id reference from the form to identify if new record
	 * @return  boolean	True
    public static function recordActionLog($user = null, $tran_id = 0, $id = 0)
			// get the component details such as the id
		$extension =  MycomponentHelper::getExtensionDetails('com_mycomponent');
		// get the transaction details for use in the log for easy reference
        $tran = MycomponentHelper::getTransaction($tran_id);
        $con_type = "transaction";
        if ($id === 0) { $type = 'New '; } else { $type = 'Update '; }

		$message = array();
		$message['action'] = $con_type;
		$message['type'] = $type . $tran->tran_type . ' - '.$tran->tran_desc . ' $' . $tran->tran_amount;
		$message['id'] = $tran->id;
		$message['title'] = $extension->name;
		$message['extension_name'] = $extension->name;
		$message['itemlink'] = "index.php?option=com_mycomponent&task=transaction.edit&id=".$tran->id;
		$message['userid'] = $user->id;
		$message['username'] = $user->username;
		$message['accountlink'] = "index.php?option=com_users&task=user.edit&id=".$user->id;
		$messages = array($message);
		$messageLanguageKey = Text::_('COM_MYCOMPONENT_TRANSACTION_LINK');
		$context = $extension->name.'.'.$con_type;
		$fmodel = MycomponentHelper::getForeignModel('Actionlog', 'ActionlogsModel');

		$fmodel->addLog($messages, $messageLanguageKey, $context, $user->id);

		return true;

	 * Get the Model from another component for use
	 * @param   string  $name    The model name. Optional. Default to my own for safety.
	 * @param   string  $prefix  The class prefix. Optional
	 * @param   array   $config  Configuration array for model. Optional
	 * @return object	The model
	public function getForeignModel($name = 'Transaction', $prefix = 'MycomponentModel', $config = array('ignore_request' => true))
		\Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\ItemModel::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_actionlogs/models', 'ActionlogsModelActionlog');
		$fmodel = \Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\ItemModel::getInstance($name, $prefix, $config);

		return $fmodel;

Front End Transaction Form

Now that the foundations are set, we just need to trigger the process. We're capturing information about a transaction that is created or update and we have a model called transactionform.php. It is in the Save method that we want to capture a log.

	// So the code above this point checks and does what it should do and then after the successful save of the record, we check for the parameter setting to see if logging is required, we pass key elements to recordActionLog.
        $table = $this->getTable();

        if ($table->save($data) === true) {

			/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
			// trigger transaction log if required
			$act_log = $params->get('act_log', 0);
			if ($act_log && $table->id) {
				// gather information and log in a new action log record
				MycomponentHelper::recordActionLog($user, $table->id, $data['id']);
			/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

            return $table->id;
        } else {
            return false;

Language File

Finally, to help with the Action Log Listing in the admin side of Joomla, we want to set some key elements of data to be displayed in the language file en-GB.com_mycomponent.ini.

COM_MYCOMPONENT_TRANSACTION_LINK="User <a href='{accountlink}'>{username}</a> created a transaction ( <a href='{itemlink}'>{type}</a> )"

Hope this helps.