O que há de novo no Joomla!
From Joomla! Documentation
Essa página lista as melhorias e recursos incluídos na nova versão do Joomla! Se você está cadastrado no wiki da Documentação do Joomla!, pode monitorar essa página por mudanças e atualizações conforme novidades forem lançadas. Basta clicar no ícone da 'estrela' no topo para adicionar esta página a sua lista de monitoramento.
Joomla! 3.10
- The bridge to Joomla! 4
- Joomla! 3.10 is the bridge between the major versions 3 and 4.
- Joomla 3.10 stable is primarily a release containing backports of API changes from the Joomla 4.0 to help ease the transition to the next major release for the community.
- Pre-Update-Checker
- Joomla! 3.10 comes with the pre-update checker to allow you to check the compatibility with the Joomla 4.0 minimum requirements in terms of the current hosting environment and, more importantly, your installed extensions. This will help you to prepare your upgrade to Joomla 4.0 smoothly.
- Joomla 3.10 will be supported with security patches until 17.08.2023.
- See the list on new features/improvements on GitHub
Joomla! 3.9
Joomla! 3.9 comes with more than 250 improvements.
The main features are:
- The Privacy Tool Suite Extensions
- Privacy System - This is the heart of law and regulation related capabilities and provides several subsystems which will help with the compliance of your Joomla websites. Among other things, you’ll be able to display a consent checkbox on your forms, export and/or remove personal data further to an information request and check the privacy related capabilities of extensions.
- Action Logging System - This system provides an infrastructure to create an audit log of activity performed on a website and can be fine tuned to the site admin's preferences. You’ll be able to review the action log, export it and purge the entries.
- Other Features
- Google Invisible reCAPTCHA implemented
- Support of Argon2id Password
- Multilingual sites: Toolbar button to edit associations, propagate existing associations, display tags per language
- Add notes to articles in the backend
- Search for a specific article content
- Load a module by ID
- See the list on new features/improvements on GitHub
- See also the Dedicated Joomla! 3.9 Landing Page
Joomla! 3.8
Joomla! 3.8 comes with more than 300 improvements.
The main features are:
- New Routing System - The new routing system gives users more control over their URL structure, including the often requested ability to remove IDs from URLs - See also New Routing System
- Joomla! 4 Compatibility Layer - The development of Joomla! 4 has made some changes in how the core code is structured by migrating classes to use PHP namespaces. Joomla! 3.8 includes a mapping layer to allow developers to use the older class names while being able to take advantage of the new class name structure.
- Improved Sample Data Installation - It is now possible to install sample data within your site backend after finishing the installation process, allows users to create their own generic data sets or extension developers to provide easy-to-install sample data for their extensions
- Sodium Encryption Support - PHP 7.2 introduces the new sodium extension for processing encrypted data, through a polyfill of this library Joomla! 3.8 makes this new API available for all of our users even before they upgrade to PHP 7.2
See the list on new features on GitHub
Joomla! 3.7
Joomla! 3.7 comes with more than 700 improvements.
The main features are:
- Custom Fields: Up to 15 different type available (lists, text fields, dates...) to create custom fields for articles, users and contacts. See also Managing Custom Fields
- Multilingual Associations Component: Translation of the content can now be done directly from one interface. See also the Multilingual Associations Component Tutotrial
- Backend Menu Manager: Create, edit and organise the backend menu links to display different administration menus according to user groups.
- Improved workflow: Create a menu item, an article and a category in one step.
- Extension Maintenance: Extension developers can set a flag in the package manifest of their extension to prevent from uninstalling the component, modules, and plugins separately
- TinyMCE Improvements: New buttons added to the toolbar, customisation improved ...
See the list on new features on GitHub
Joomla! 3.6
Joomla! 3.6 comes with more than 400 improvements.
The main features are:
- Show all menu items: Organise, list and filter all existing menu items on one page
- Menu type ACL: Access control for managing menu types
- Improved UX: Speed up workflow through administrative UX improvements
- Categories on the fly: Add new categories without leaving the item editor
- Subform field: New field type offers new possibilities for developers
- Improved Joomla! Updates: One-click core system reinstall and package upload updating.
Joomla! 3.5
- PHP 7 Support
- Update Notifications via Email
- System Information Export
- Drag Drop Images
- Anonymised System Data
- Easily Insert Modules in Articles
- Item counter (+ click through filter) in Category Manager
- Random category blog and list order view.
Joomla! 3.4
- Edição de módulos pelo Front-end,
- Desacoplamento do com_weblinks,
- Integração com o Composer,
- Núcleo en-GB padronizado
Joomla! 3.3
- Microdata
Joomla! 3.2
- Controle de Versionamento de Conteúdo
- Melhorias diversas na interface com os usuários
- Configuração fácil de multi-idiomas para 64 línguas suportadas
- Pesquisa de Extensões Joomla! embutida em uma interface para o Diretório de Extensões Joomla, que no momento conta com mais de 8000 itens publicados, em conjunto com instalações em um clique
- Aumento de segurança com senhas fortes e autenticação dupla
- Novo framework de desenvolvimento rápido para codificação de extensões
Joomla! 3.1
Content Tags
- Tags (clique aqui para ver a recente postagem no blog sobre isso)
Outras melhorias
- Campo de Nota Adicionado
- Show logs in debug console
- Refactor installation to use new application and MVC classes
- Added pagination in COM_SEARCH component
- Added triggers on save for com_config
- JPlugin autoloadLanguage property
- Added SQL Server subclass for FinderIndexer
- Media wiki package
- OpenStreetMap package
- UNION ALL feature
Joomla! 3.0
A informação a seguir é do the Site de Introdução ao Joomla! 3.
Joomla! deu um grande passo no para a responsividade com uma completa mudança no design do administrativo e da área pública. Com a adoção do framework Bootstrap, Joomla! tornou-se o primeiro grande CMS a ser responsivo em ambas as áreas. Agora todo website pode ter seu conteúdo e ferramentas responsivas para visitantes e administradores.
- Tema do site Responsivo
- Interface do Administrador Responsiva
- Saída do sistema Responsiva
Amigável com o usuário
A Administração do Joomla está com um novo visual, construído com o framework Bootstrap, além do toque especial na Interface e na Experiência de Usuários, trabalhados pela Equipe JUX. Joomla! está pronto para aparelhos móveis, tablets e telas padrão de computadores. A administração foi repensada para melhorar seu fluxo de trabalho com qualquer tipo de aparelho.
- Interface do Usuário nova e amigável
- Instalação de 30 segundos
- Experiência do Usuário da Administração aprimorada
Ferramentas do Desenvolvedor
Gaste menos tempo codificando e construindo interfaces com o Joomla! 3. A biblioteca de Interface de Usuário Joomla! (JUI) fornece a você uma interface backend e frontend padronizada via CSS e Frameworks Javascript. LESS CSS e jQuery significam que você pode escrever menos código e a biblioteca de fontes de ícones Icomoon fornece uma riqueza de ícones otimizados para retina.
- Construa um Componente com Zero CSS
- Estilize um Site com 1 Arquivo CSS
- Fonte de Ícones Icomoon
- jQuery & Mootools
Whole Lot More
Joomla! 3.0 is a whole new exciting world. We took a little from the top, bottom, and side to create a whole brand new look and feel, along with many features under the hood features that bring Joomla to the forefront of the content management system world.
- Extensive work on code style standardisation and consistency
- Incorporation of Bootstrap into a jui media package.
- A new responsive administrator template Isis and interface.
- A new frontend template Protostar built using Bootstrap and updated accessible template called Beez3
- PostgreSQL Driver. You will be able to run Joomla 3.0 sites using the PostgreSQL database.
- PHP Memcached Driver
- Use of JFeed for feed management rather than SimplePie
- Installation of language packages directly from the extension manager
- Guest user group present by default
- Saving blank articles allowed
- New administrator statistics module
- Update TinyMCE to version 3.5.6
- Continued clean up of older unused code, files and database fields and tables and improved standardization of tables.
- Improvements to Smart Search
- Unit testing in the CMS
- Updated system tests in the CMS
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