Ajout d'une API à un composant de Joomla
From Joomla! Documentation
Cette page a pour but de documenter comment intégrer la couche de services Web introduite dans dans votre composant Joomla existant. Cela suppose que vous utilisez la couche MVC par défaut de Joomla.
Intégration des services Web pour l'extension des liens Web à titre d'exemple
Dépôt de l'extension https://github.com/joomla-extensions/weblinks
Pull request: https://github.com/joomla-extensions/weblinks/pull/407
== Deuxième étape ==
The point of entry to your component from an API call is a plugin.
The plugin re-routes the API call into the API code that services the request.
In this example an API call to the weblinks component might be
(<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">yourSite</span>)/api/index.php/v1/weblinks
This means your installation file is best represented as a package, pkg_weblinks in this case, so that it can contain not only your original component, but also the required plugin.
1. Créer un répertoire plugins/webservices/weblinks.
Your plugin code goes in a subdirectory of the webservices directory under the plugins directory, in this example
2. Dans le fichier weblinks.php, créez la classe weblinks.php, create the class PlgWebservicesWeblinks.
use Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin;
use Joomla\CMS\Router\ApiRouter;
class PlgWebservicesWeblinks extends CMSPlugin
public function onBeforeApiRoute(&$router)
$router->createCRUDRoutes('v1/weblinks', 'weblinks', ['component' => 'com_weblinks']);
Dans la méthode onBeforeApiRoute, enregistrez toutes les chemins dont nous avons besoin pour le webservice.
When Joomla receives an API call it loads the API router which then collects a list of endpoints it should be aware of by running the onBeforeApiRoute method in all enabled plugin classes that contain it. Then it can locate the API component relevant to the API endpoint that has been called.
The createCRUDRoutes method creates five routes; two GET routes for list and item data, and one POST, one PATCH, and one DELETE route. If you don't require this, simply create the routes directly here.
== Première étape ==
The router specifies the path for the relevant API code.
This API code is in a folder named api off the site root. It is exactly analogous to the administrator and site sections.
In your installation package this code should be included in your component installer because the Joomla installation process automatically creates a section for each installed component there, whether it has any API code or not.
The structure of this section has the same directory pattern as the other extension sections (i.e. components, modules, plugins).
1. Créer un répertoire /api.
2. Créer une classe WeblinksController.
The controller is named in the second parameter of the createCRUDRoutes method in the plugin.
You can expose more than one output structure by registering more than one route, specifying a different controller for each structure.
use Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\ApiController;
class WeblinksController extends ApiController
protected $contentType = 'weblinks';
protected $default_view = 'weblinks';
Remplacez les champs suivants :
$contentType - sera utilisé par défaut pour $modelName également lors de la sortie de la réponse en tant qu'objet de type $modelName as well as when outputting response as type object $default_view - sera utilisé par défaut pour $viewName $viewName
3. Créer une classe JsonapiView.php
Extending JsonApiView gives you the same kinds of features that HtmlView does in a usual component view, slightly changed to be appropriate for outputting JSON.
Note Although the core class is JsonApiView (uppercase A for Api), your override must have a lowercase a.
The item and list fields to render, as shown below, specify which fields to include in the respective outputs.
use Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\JsonApiView as BaseApiView;
class JsonapiView extends BaseApiView
protected $fieldsToRenderItem = [
protected $fieldsToRenderList = [
Remplacez les champs suivants :
$fieldsToRenderItem - tableau de champs pour afficher un seul objet $fieldsToRenderList - tableau de champs pour la liste des objets
Notice that this indicates a significant difference between JSON API views and HTML views. With HTML views you are used to having separate files and directories for displaying a list of items and displaying individual items. There isn't the same "display" difference for JSON, so one JsonapiView handles both types. That's why both fields lists are both shown in this one view file.
3. Créer weblinks.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<extension version="3.1" type="plugin" group="webservices" method="upgrade">
<author>Joomla! Project</author>
<creationDate>August 2017</creationDate>
<copyright>(C) 2005 - 2019 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.</copyright>
<license>GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt</license>
<languages folder="administrator/language">
4. Créer les fichiers avec le contenu suivant :
As usual, language files can, and should, be supplied; en-GB/plg_webservices_weblinks.ini, en-GB/plg_webservices_weblinks.sys.ini. It may be unnecessary to provide the user language file (.ini), but content for the system file (.sys.ini) is required, if only for the plugin administration list.
; Joomla! Project
; Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt, see LICENSE.php
; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8
PLG_WEBSERVICES_WEBLINKS="Web Services - Weblinks"
PLG_WEBSERVICES_WEBLINKS_XML_DESCRIPTION="Used to add Web links routes to the Web Services API for your website."
== Troisième étape == There are two considerations for packaging, the code in the API section and the plugin. === Component Packaging === As mentioned elsewhere, the API code is packaged with the component code. To include the code in the package, add the following section to your component manifest
<files folder="api">
This will create a section for your API code in the correctly named (for your component) folder under the api folder. === Plugin Packaging === Si ce plugin est lié à un autre élément (un composant, par exemple), alors l'ensemble doit être assemblé comme un package. Dans ce cas, dans le fichier
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ @package Weblinks
<extension version="4.0.0" type="package" method="upgrade">
<!-- etc etc -->
<!-- List of extensions to install -->
<!-- Component -->
<file type="component" id="com_weblinks">com_weblinks.zip</file>
<!-- Plugins: web services -->
<file type="plugin" id="weblinks" group="webservices">plg_webservices_weblinks.zip</file>
1. Ajouter le support des catégories pour le service weblinks. Modifiez le fichier src/plugins/webservices/weblinks/weblinks.php.
class PlgWebservicesWeblinks extends CMSPlugin
public function onBeforeApiRoute(&$router)
['component' => 'com_categories', 'extension' => 'com_weblinks']
Nous utilisons le composant prêt à l'emploi com_categories, il suffit de passer le paramètre 'extension' => 'com_weblinks'
=== Champs === 1. Ajouter le support des champs et groupes de champs pour le webservice weblinks. Modifiez le fichier src/plugins/webservices/weblinks/weblinks.php
class PlgWebservicesWeblinks extends CMSPlugin
public function onBeforeApiRoute(&$router)
['component' => 'com_fields', 'context' => 'com_weblinks.weblink']
['component' => 'com_fields', 'context' => 'com_weblinks.weblink']
2. Substituer la fonction save sur WeblinksController.
class WeblinksController extends ApiController
protected function save($recordKey = null)
$data = (array) json_decode($this->input->json->getRaw(), true);
foreach (FieldsHelper::getFields('com_weblinks.weblink') as $field)
if (isset($data[$field->name]))
!isset($data['com_fields']) && $data['com_fields'] = [];
$data['com_fields'][$field->name] = $data[$field->name];
$this->input->set('data', $data);
return parent::save($recordKey);
3. Substituer les fonctions displayList, displayItem, prepareItem sur Weblinks\JsonApiView.
class JsonApiView extends BaseApiView
public function displayList(array $items = null)
foreach (FieldsHelper::getFields('com_weblinks.weblink') as $field)
$this->fieldsToRenderList[] = $field->name;
return parent::displayList();
public function displayItem($item = null)
foreach (FieldsHelper::getFields('com_weblinks.weblink') as $field)
$this->fieldsToRenderItem[] = $field->name;
return parent::displayItem();
protected function prepareItem($item)
foreach (FieldsHelper::getFields('com_weblinks.weblink', $item, true) as $field)
$item->{$field->name} = isset($field->apivalue) ? $field->apivalue : $field->rawvalue;
return parent::prepareItem($item);
== Data ==
The core functionality renders the data that you would expect from a simple component in the normal web interface. For this, the API defaults to administration data models. However, providing a Model section in your API code gives you back the flexibility to construct whatever data shape you want just for your API output. Provide a model for each view with the usual naming conventions.
The system JsonApiView class formats the JSON output as three data sets; links, items, and metadata. To change that, override the display class in your own JsonapiView and don't call the parent class.
Exemple de travail d'intégration
NOTE : N'oubliez pas d'activer le plugin weblinks webservice !
=== Weblinks === ==== Obtenir la liste de liens Web ==== curl -X GET /api/index.php/v1/weblinks
Obtenir un seul lien web
curl -X GET /api/index.php/v1/weblinks/{weblink_id}
==== Supprimer un lien web ==== curl -X DELETE /api/index.php/v1/weblinks/{weblink_id}
==== Créer un lien web ====
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" /api/index.php/v1/weblinks -d
"access": "1",
"alias": "",
"catid": "8",
"description": "<p>text</p>",
"images": {
"float_first": "",
"float_second": "",
"image_first": "",
"image_first_alt": "",
"image_first_caption": "",
"image_second": "",
"image_second_alt": "",
"image_second_caption": ""
"language": "*",
"metadata": {
"rights": "",
"robots": ""
"metadesc": "",
"metakey": "",
"modified": "",
"params": {
"count_clicks": "",
"height": "",
"target": "",
"width": ""
"title": "weblink title",
"url": "http://somelink.com/",
"xreference": "xreference"
==== Mettre à jour un lien web ====
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" /api/index.php/v1/weblinks/{weblink_id} -d
"catid": "8",
"description": "<p>some new text</p>",
"language": "*",
"title": "new title",
"url": "http://newsomelink.com/"
Le routage des catégories de liens Web est : v1/weblinks/categories
Son utilisation est similaire à celle de Catégories de bannières.
Le routage des champs de liens web est : v1/fields/weblinks
Son utilisation est similaire à celle des Champs de Contact.
Groupes de champs
Le routage des groupes de champs est : v1/fields/groups/weblinks
Travailler avec eux est similaire aux Groupes de champs de Contact.