Joomla Entities/fr
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Joomla Entities
The scope of this year project is to build and integrate a new Model system into Joomla 4, that will solve some of the current issues from the Webservices project, as well as improve the limits of the current system. The integration will be fully implemented by the release of Joomla 4.0 in the com_content component. The purpose for this documentation is to outline how to use the underlaying Entities project, which can be then used by developers to write new extensions and convert existing ones.
Entities! The entities project is the base project. Without it we would not be able to accomplish the tasks in the Webservices project. Starting as a new project, I have managed to get a basic implementation going of an Active Record pattern based layer that shall be used as a dependency in Joomla CMS, to implement each table as a DAO.
The need for this project comes from the limitations of the current Model architecture which have been reached during the last year GSoC Webservices project.
Because by reaching these limitations, it was clear that the Model layer had to be redone. Taking it a step further, with the desire to make development in Joomla easier, the Entities project was born. The main highlights of this approach is that we can now have relations in our models, feature that has been long missed in Joomla models. Up to now, the One to One and One To Many relations have been implemented.
The project fits perfectly in the Joomla ecosystem, as it is using the joomla-framework/database DatabaseDriver for the connection to various database systems. We have decided that the next step would be actually integrating the Entities project in Joomla CMS, in the lib_api branch of the last year webservices project. Taking a step back from implementing features in a separate project, and actually connecting the dots with the CMS implementation will give us important insights about the features that will be needed in the future.
The entities project can be easily integrated into any php project by adding the following dependency to your composer file:
"config": {
"preferred-install": {
"joomla/event": "dist"
"require": {
"joomla/entities": "dev-master"
Defining Entities
- Table - The table name should have '#__' as a prefix. The Entity also sets a default table name in case none is specified by the developer. The default value is the pluralised and underscore separated Class name.
* The table associated with the model.
* @var string
protected $table = '#__content';
- Timestamps - specify is the current entity uses timestamps or not. If it does, special column aliases need to be specified for the 'createdAt' and 'updatedAt' columns. These two columns are handled automatically by the project when creating or updating the entity.
* Indicates if the model should be timestamped.
* @var boolean
public $timestamps = false;
- Column Aliases - having the same functionality as in the current Joomla implementation, they provide a way to be able to refer at different column names across different components with one name in case they fulfil the same functionality.
* Array with alias for "special" columns such as ordering, hits etc etc
* @var array
protected $columnAlias = [
'createdAt' => 'created',
'updatedAt' => 'modified',
'published' => 'state'
- Casts - Used to cast database raw strings into usable types in PHP. Two most common use cases are 'int' and 'array'. The latter is specifically useful as it transforms json columns into key indexed arrays.
* The attributes that should be cast to native types.
* @var array
protected $casts = [
'params' => 'array'
- Dates - used to cast dates to Carbon instances
* The attributes that should be mutated to dates. Already aliased!
* @var array
protected $dates = [
- Hidden - used to hide certain columns from serialisation. E.g. passwords.
* The attributes that should be hidden for serialization.
* @var array
protected $hidden = [
- With - eager load relations into the entity. If not specified, the relations are lazy loaded. The primary key and foreign key are mandatory if the relation is loaded with constraints(selecting only some of the columns for efficiency purposes)
* The relations to eager load on every query.
* @var array
* @todo add to docs:
protected $with = array(
Defining Entities Relations
- HasOne - One to One relation.
* Define a one-to-one relation.
* @param string $related related Model
* @param string $foreignKey foreign key name in current mode
* @param string $localKey local primary key name
* @return \Joomla\Entity\Relations\HasOne
public function hasOne($related, $foreignKey = null, $localKey = null)
Exemple :
* Get the profile for the current user.
* @return Relation
public function profile()
return $this->hasOne('Joomla\Entity\Tests\Models\UserProfile');
- HasMany - One to Many relation.
* Define a one-to-many relation.
* @param string $related related Model
* @param string $foreignKey foreign key name in current mode
* @param string $localKey local primary key name
* @return \Joomla\Entity\Relations\HasMany
public function hasMany($related, $foreignKey = null, $localKey = null)
Exemple :
* Get the sent messages for the current user.
* @return Relation
public function sentMessages()
return $this->hasMany('Joomla\Entity\Tests\Models\Message', 'user_id_from');
- BelongsTo - Reverse relation for One to One or One to Many.
* Define an inverse one-to-one or many relation.
* @param string $related related Model
* @param string $relation relation name, must be the same as the caller function
* @param string $foreignKey foreign key name in current mode
* @param string $ownerKey the associated key on the parent model.
* @return \Joomla\Entity\Relations\BelongsTo
public function belongsTo($related, $relation, $foreignKey = null, $ownerKey = null)
Exemple :
* Get the author for the current article.
* @return Relation
public function author()
return $this->belongsTo('Joomla\CMS\Entity\User', 'author', 'created_by');
Queries Using The Entity
The following default functionalities are available for the entities:
- Find - finds an entity or a Collection of entities by their primary keys. In addition, the columns that are desired to be loaded can be specified. By default, we load all the columns.
* Find a model by its primary key.
* @param mixed $id primary key
* @param array $columns columns to be selected in query
* @return Model|boolean
public function find($id, $columns = ['*'])
- Insert - This is the way to insert a new row in a table. First we create a new entity using the desired attribute, next we persist it to the database.
Exemple :
$attributes = [
'email' => "",
'params' => ['test' => 'val']
$user = new User(self::$driver, $attributes);
- Update - This is the way to update an existing entity. Entities attributes can be accessed as normal class properties using magic methods.
Exemple :
$model = new User(self::$driver);
$user = $model->find(100);
$user->resetCount = 10;
- Delete - This is a way to delete a row from the table using it's primary key.
Exemple :
$model = new User(self::$driver);
$user = $model->find(100);
$user->resetCount = 10;
- Get - The get method returns all the models that are in the table, respectively, all the filters that have been applied to the entity so far. Please check the list of filter methods at the end of this section for more details.
* Finds all the Models with eager relations loaded
* @param array $columns columns to be selected in query
* @return Collection
public function get($columns = ['*'])
- Count - The count method counts the all the rows from the table, respectively all the rows that satisfy filters that have been applied to the entity so far.
Exemple :
$model = new User(self::$driver);
$count = $model->count();
- select - selects only the specified columns in the next query.
/* @method select() select(array $columns) */
- where -> adds a where clause in the next query that will be executed.
/* @method where() where($conditions, string $glue = 'AND') */
- orders -> adds an ORDER BY clause to the next query.
/* @method order() order($columns) */
- filter - applies a custom filter on a relation. This is the Entities way of making joins.
/* @method filter() filter(string $relation, Closure $callback) */
// The following query only counts users which sent a message with subject "sentMessages".
$model = new User(self::$driver);
function ($query)
$query->where("subject = 'message1'");
$count = $model->count();