
Aktualisierung einer bestehenden Version

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This page is a translated version of the page J4.x:Updating from an existing version and the translation is 57% complete.
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Vor dem Update unbedingt ein Backup erstellen


Es wird empfohlen, die Joomla Update Komponente zu nutzen, um Joomla zu aktualisieren.

Die standardmäßige Installation von Joomla 4 beinhaltet nach dem Login eine hilfreiche Benachrichtigungsleiste auf dem Home-Dashboard. So ist mit einem Blick ersichtlich, ob ein Update verfügbar ist und welche Versionsnummer es hat.

Auch wenn Joomla anzeigt, dass ein Update verfügbar ist, muss dieses immer noch manuell ausgeführt werden. Dieser Schritt ist einfach und sollte bei der nächstbesten Gelegenheit erfolgen, um die Website aktuell zu halten.

Wenn von einer früheren Joomla-Version vor 4.x aktualisiert wird, müssen folgende Punkte beachtet werden:

Zugriff auf die Update Komponente

Wenn das Benachrichtigungsfeld auf dem Home Dashboard angezeigt wird, gelangt man durch Klicken auf die Benachrichtigung direkt zur Update Komponente.

J4x joomla update notification-en.png

Alternativ ist es auch möglich, im Administration Seitenmenü auf System zu klicken. Damit erreicht man das System Dashboard.

J4x joomla system dashboard update-en.png

The System Dashboard has an Update Panel that includes a Joomla link that will show the available update version number. Click the Joomla link and you will be taken to the Update Component.

Aktualisierung durchführen

J4x joomla pre update check-en.png

Die Joomla Update Komponente informiert Dich mit einem Vor-Update Check ob dein Server, deine Einstellungen und installierten Erweiterungen mit dem Update kompatibel sind.

Achte sorgfältig darauf alle markierten Punkte vor dem Update zu beheben. Erweiterungen solltest du noch sorgfältiger prüfen und zuerst updaten.

Es ist nicht ungewöhnlich, Warnungen für "Empfohlene Einstellungen" zu sehen. Diese sind oft Server spezifisch und abhängig vom Host - es ist möglich, dass es sie schon gab, als du Joomla installiert hast und werden höchstwahrscheinlich das Update nicht verhindern.

Beachte, dass du unbedingt ein Backup machen solltest, falls du das noch nicht gemacht hast.

Unterhalb des Update Buttons ist ein link. In den meisten Fällen kannst du den ignorieren. Er stellt die Möglichkeit zur Verfügung die Update Ordner manuell auf deinen Server zu laden, falls dein Server von einer Firewall geschützt ist oder es aus anderen Gründen unmöglich ist auf den Joomla Update Server zuzugreifen.

Wenn du den Vor-Update Check überprüft und zufrieden bist, klicke "Update".

Bestätige das Update

J4x joomla start update-en.png

Klicke die Checkbox an, um zu bestätigen, dass du ein Backup gemacht und überprüft hast, dass die Erweiterungen kompatibel sind, dann klicke "Update starten".

Update Fortschritt

J4x joomla update progress-en.png

Wenn das Update gestartet ist, erscheint ein Fortschrittsbalken für das Joomla Update.


J4x joomla updated-en.png

Wenn der Fortschrittsbalken 100 % erreicht hat, bestätigt eine Nachricht das Update deiner Seite und die Versionsnummer. Die neue Versionsnummer wird ebenso in der oberen Werkzeugleiste neben dem Seitennamen angezeigt.

Klicke den "Zurück" Button und du kommst zurück zur Joomla Update Komponente, dort kannst du erneut nach Updates schauen.

Überprüfungen nach dem Update

Wenn das Update fertiggestellt ist, solltest du überprüfen das alles wie erwartet funktioniert und keine Fehler oder Änderungen auftreten, die weitere Aktionen erfordern.

Frontend überprüfen

Schau dir das Frontend der Webseite an und überprüfe, ob alles so funktioniert und dargestellt wird wie vor dem Update.

Selbstverständlich solltest du deinen Browser Cache leeren um Änderungen der Formatvorlagen und Skripte zu laden.

System Checks

in Joomla ist es einfach eine "Gesundheits" Überprüfung zu machen. Klick auf dem Seitenmenu "System" an, um zurück zum System Dashboard zu kommen. Hier bekommt man einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Joomla Seite.

J4x system dashboard-en.png

In this example we can see that since the update we have two items that require attention. They are marked with a label that includes a number. The number relates to how many items require attention. Clicking on each one will allow you to fix them.

Note The System Dashboard makes a check each time the page is loaded. Bear in mind that browser caching settings could affect this. It's good practice to clear the browser's cache when checking.

Empfohlene Schritte und Aktionen

Es wird empfohlen, diese Schritte durchzuführen, wenn eine Produktivseite aktualisiert wird:

  1. Mache ein Backup deiner Seite, bevor du auf die neue Version aktualisierst. Sollte während des Updates etwas schief laufen, kannst du die Seite ganz einfach zu einer früheren Version wiederherstellen.
  2. Schaue dir die Release Notes zur neuen Version an, um zu erfahren, was sich geändert hat.
  3. Nutze eine der in diesem Dokument beschriebenen Methoden für die Aktualisierung. Diese Methoden installieren die neuen Programmdateien, löschen nicht mehr genutzte Programmdateien und aktualisieren die Datenbank, sofern die neue Joomla! Version dies braucht.
  4. Leere den Browser Cache und stelle sicher, dass das Update erfolgreich war, indem du den Schritten folgst, die unter Seite prüfen stehen.

Seite prüfen

Nach der Aktualisierung sollte der Browser Cache geleert werden und sichergestellt werden, dass das Update erfolgreich war. Es gibt zwei Überprüfungen, die schnell vom Erweiterungs-Manager aus durchgeführt werden können.

Navigiere zu Erweiterungen  Datenbank. Wenn die Datenbank aktuell ist, sollte der Bildschirm in etwa so aussehen:

Datenbank ohne Probleme

Wenn die Datenbank nicht aktuell ist, wird eine Liste der gefundenen Probleme angezeigt, ähnlich wie in diesem Abbild:

Datenbank mit 3 Problemen

In diesem Fall sollte der Reparieren Button oben links genutzt werden. Joomla wird die Datenbank nun aktualisieren, um die angezeigten Fehler zu beheben und anschließend die Seite erneut anzeigen. Falls die Reparatur erfolgreich war, wird angezeigt, dass die Datenbank auf dem neuesten Stand ist.

N.B. Sofern immer noch ein Fehler vorhanden ist, sollte geprüft werden, ob alle Datenbank-Tabellen freigegeben sind.

Erweiterungen: Überprüfen

Manchmal werden beim Update zu einer neuen Joomla Version auch neue Kern-Erweiterungen hinzugefügt. Wenn es bei der Datenbank-Aktualisierung Probleme gab, kann es sein, dass diese Erweiterungen nicht korrekt installiert wurden. Um das zu überprüfen, navigiere zu System  Überprüfen. Klicke jetzt in der Werkzeugleiste auf Überprüfen. Der Bildschirm sollte anschließend wie folgt aussehen:

Discover Screen With No Extensions To Install

If so, you know that any new extensions added during the update were correctly installed in the database.

If there are uninstalled extensions, they will show similar to the following screen:

Discover Screen With One Extension To Install

In this case, check the boxes and click on the Install icon in the toolbar. Joomla will install the extension(s) and then display the screen showing no extensions discovered. At this point, the new extensions have been installed in the database.


If you have any questions, problems or errors before, during or after the update, please ask them on the Migrating and Upgrading to Joomla! 4.x Forum.

If you have problems or errors during the update process, here are some tips.

  • Clearing your browser cache. There may have been changes to the CSS or JavaScript that will need to be reloaded by your Web browser after an update.
  • If any database error messages show after the update, be sure to check the System  Maintenance panel  Database link. In some cases, if a database error occurs it will prevent all of the database updates from running. In this case, you can run them from the Database link and then use the System  Install  Discover method to check and install any new extensions.

Troubleshooting Joomla Update

Joomla Update is a core component which is responsible for determining if there is a newer version of Joomla available for installation of your site, download it (or let you upload it) and install it. It has been available in Joomla since Joomla 2.5.1 and as a third party extension two years prior to that. You can access it at System, Update, Joomla.

The update process consists of several different steps. While every care has been taken to make this process as trouble–free as possible there's always a small chance that something may go wrong, typically due to a very restrictive server configuration or network conditions on a very small minority of sites.

The following troubleshooting instructions are organised by update step to make it easier to find the information you are looking for. Furthermore, it is an exhaustive resource, based on more than a decade of experience troubleshooting all possible (and some borderline impossible) problems with Joomla and extension updates. It lists problems which are extremely unlikely to occur. Don't let its length scare you; you are very unlikely to ever see any of these problems occur.

Schauen, ob es Updates gibt

Joomla will make a request to its update server over HTTPS and download an XML file provided by the Joomla project listing the latest available versions. The update server in use can be determined by going to System  Update  Joomla  Options and examining which update server is in use. You should use the Default update server to receive updates to your current major version of Joomla. Use Joomla Next when you want to upgrade your site to the next major version of Joomla — this is best done on a copy of your site to avoid any nasty surprises; not all third party extensions and templates will be compatible across major Joomla versions. The major version of Joomla is the first digit in the Joomla version, before the first dot. For example, the major version of Joomla 4.0.1 is 4.

If Joomla cannot determine that an update is available please check the following:

  • The Joomla Update information is out of date in the database. Go to System  Update  Joomla  Check for Updates.
  • The update sites information in Joomla is corrupt. Go to System  Update  Update Sites  Rebuild. Then go to System  Update  Joomla  Options. Select the Testing update channel. Select Save & Close. Click on Options again. Select the Default or Joomla Next update channel — depending on your preference — and click on Save & Close.
  • Your host prevents making outbound HTTPS requests at all or restricts them to predefined allowed IP addresses. Please ask them to allow outbound HTTP requests to https://update.joomla.org. This is a CDN, meaning that the exact IP address will be different depending on where the world you are trying to access this URL from. Do tell your host; they will know what to do with this information.
  • Your host may have an outdated SSL library which does not understand the modern TLS certificates used by the Joomla update CDN. Please ask your host about it.

Entscheiden, ob die Third Party Software kompatibel ist mit der neuen Version, die installiert werden soll

Joomla does not have a magical way of evaluating third party code for compatibility. Its report is based solely on the extension information kept in Joomla's #__extensions table, the update sites provided by the installed extensions and the update information provided by the developers of third party extensions including but not limited to which version of their software is compatible with which version of Joomla.

If the information displayed is incorrect please check the following:

  • What is the minimum stability for extension updates? Go to System  Update  Extensions  Options. The Minimum Extension Stability determines which is the minimum stability level of a third party software that Joomla will take into account when evaluating compatibility. For example, if this option is set to Stable but only a beta version of a third party extension is compatible with the Joomla version you want to upgrade to Joomla will tell you that there is no compatible version of the third party extension available.

* The update information may be out of date. Go to System  Update  Extensions  Check For Updates. Then go back to System  Update  Joomla and see if the extension now appears as compatible or if you are told than a compatible update is available. * The update sites information in Joomla is corrupt. Go to System  Update  Update Sites  Rebuild. Then go to System  Update  Joomla  Options. Select the Testing update channel. Select Save & Close. Click on Options again. Select the Default or Joomla Next update channel — depending on your preference — and click on Save & Close. * Your host prevents making outbound HTTP/HTTPS requests at all or restricts them to predefined allowed IP addresses. This will prevent Joomla from retrieving update information from third party update sites. First go to System  Update  Update Sites. Below each update site you will see its URL. Make a list of those URLs. Then ask your host to allow your site to make requests to these URLs. Please note that some of these URLs may point to a CDN, meaning that the exact IP address will be different depending on where the world you are trying to access this URL from. Do tell your host; they will know what to do with this information. * Your host may have an outdated SSL library which does not understand the modern TLS certificates used by most third party extension developers' update sites. Please ask your host about it. * You may have 'orphaned' extensions. Most modern Joomla extensions are delivered as ‘package’ type extensions which include two or more related extensions. When installing a package extension Joomla records a package extension in its database. It then records the package ID to each of the installed extensions from that package in the database. The update information is provided for the package, not each individual extension. This association may break if you used Discover to install the extensions, extracted the package and installed the separate extensions directly. Joomla failed to record the package ID for each extension when installing the package (most likely because an error occurred) or your site has been upgraded from an old version of Joomla which predates the use of packages in extensions. In this case even updating the extension will not update the package association. There is currently no solution to this except determining manually the compatibility of extensions with each Joomla version. * In some cases the number of requests Joomla sends to your server as it determines compatibility for each extension may overwhelm the server and trigger a Denial of Service protection. In this case some or all of the extensions will appear as of indeterminate compatibility status. Unfortunately, you will have to check the compatibility of each extension manually against the information published by extension's developer.

Das Update herunterladen

Joomla will need to download its update package, a ZIP file which is similar to the Joomla installation ZIP file but without the web installer (the installation directory). This could fail for a few reasons:

  • The ZIP file is rather big. Joomla 4 update packages are around 25 MiB. If your server is slow, overwhelmed or has poor connectivity with GitHub — where Joomla update packages are downloaded — it may take a long time to download the package. If that time is longer than your server's PHP maximum execution time, its maximum CPU usage limit (as determined by ulimit -t in the server command line), the PHP-FPM timeout or the web server's timeout the download will fail and you will see an error page. You will have to ask your host for help with that.

* You may not have enough free space on your site. You need enough space to store the compressed update ZIP file and its extracted files. As a rule of thumb, you need about 50–60 MiB of free space for Joomla Update to work correctly. Do note that the free space reported by your hosting control panel is not always realtime, i.e. it may 'lag' several minutes or hours behind the actual disk space usage on your site. Moreover, further limits may be imposed by your host. If unsure, please ask your host. * Your host prevents making outbound HTTPS requests at all or restricts them to predefined allowed IP addresses. Please ask them to allow outbound HTTP requests to https://github.com. This is a CDN, meaning that the exact IP address will be different depending on where the world you are trying to access this URL from. Do tell your host; they will know what to do with this information. * Your host may have an outdated SSL library which does not understand the modern TLS certificates used by GitHub. Please ask your host about it.

das Update extrahieren

After the update ZIP file has downloaded Joomla needs to extract it on your site. Since Joomla is effectively replacing itself and because this process does take some time to complete it cannot happen within Joomla itself. Instead, a separate file (administrator/components/com_joomlaupdate/extract.php) is used to perform the update. This file is inert except when an update is in progress.

You may get an error during the extraction for one of the following reasons:

* If you can access the file but extracting the update fails immediately, there is a different server protection on your site which prevents the request to extract.php from being handled by that file. Please contact your host about this. * If you are using CloudFlare, go to Rules and create a new Page Rule. Set the If URL Matches to */administrator/components/com_joomlaupdate/extract.php and Then The Settings Are to “Disable Security” and on a new line ”Cache Level”, ‘Bypass’. Set the Order to First. Click on Save and Deploy. This ensures that CloudFlare will not try to block the update extraction. * The update ZIP file is corrupt or truncated. This could happen if downloading the update file failed with an error. Go back and retry. See also the previous section. * If you are using upload and update, i.e. you uploaded the update ZIP file yourself, please make sure that you are using only the official Joomla Update ZIP files. The extraction script only supports a subset of the ZIP archive format used by the official update ZIP files. * Did you run out of disk space? Please check the section above. * Are the ownership and permissions of all files correct? Joomla needs write access to all of its files and folders. If unsure, ask your host. There is no specific set of “good” permissions! The permissions needed depend on the ownership of your files and which system user the web server runs under. * Did you lose network connectivity or your network has very high latency? It's possible that the request fails because of that. * The extraction takes place by making consecutive requests to the aforementioned extract.php file. Each request is set up to take between 3 and 4 seconds. The process repeats until the entirety of the update file has been extracted. On some servers this cadence of requests to the same file from the same IP address may trigger the server's security. On other servers it may trigger a different server protection, e.g. a maximum PHP time limit, a maximum CPU usage limit or another server timeout. On even fewer servers running on CloudLinux, it could trigger a server memory outage situation if your server was already running low on memory. Contact your server about that; there is nothing you can do yourself to work around these server limitations.

Hochladen abschließen

This is a two step process.

Right after the update ZIP file has been extracted, a final step will run which removes old files. When upgrading to a new major version of Joomla the list of files to remove is large and the process may timeout. Moreover, the point made in the previous section about ownership and permissions of files is important here too; Joomla needs write permissions to the old files and folders it has to remove. If this step fails you can resume it from the command line. Go into the cli folder and run php joomla.php update:joomla:remove-old-files. If you cannot do it yourself ask your host to do it for you. You will also need to follow the workaround for the next step.

Finally, Joomla reloads and you are logged back into the Administrator interface. At this point Joomla updates its database tables and performs any database administration tasks. If this fails you can resume the process by going to System  Maintenance  Database. Select Joomla CMS from the list and click on Update Structure.