
J5.x:Whats New Guided Tour Introduction to New Features

From Joomla! Documentation

Other languages:
≥ 5.2


The "What's New" Guided Tour feature, introduced in Joomla 5.2, highlights new features of major or minor releases upon updating your Joomla site. This is different from the post-installation messages as it focuses specifically on newly added functionalities of interest to the user.

How it works

  • Updated Sites: The "What's New" Guided Tour will automatically appear for users who update their site to Joomla 5.2 or newer versions.
  • New Installations: On fresh installs, users will receive a Welcome Tour instead.

To stop the tour from appearing on each login, simply click "Hide Forever".

Manually Starting the Tour

You can manually trigger the "What's New" Guided Tour from the Joomla Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to System.
  2. Select Manage -> Guided Tours.
  3. The "What's New..." tour will be listed among the available options.

Language Pack Updates

To view this tour in your preferred language, ensure that your language pack is up to date. This will allow the guided tour descriptions to display correctly in your chosen language.


The tour includes images (especially in the first step) to illustrate certain functionalities. Ensure they are properly displayed by checking your configuration.

J5x-welcome to joomla-en.png
J5x-more information step2-en.png

Note on the Feature's Origin

This feature was added in Joomla 5.2 via PR #43966.