Localizzazione delle immagini

From Joomla! Documentation

This page is a translated version of the page JDOC:Localising Images and the translation is 5% complete.
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Translating images on Joomla Documentation is a necessity. Explaining something with text is made easier if a reader can see an image, usually a screenshot, of what is referenced in the text. English editors of our documentation should be following a pattern to make the image name descriptive.

Image Naming For Translators

Please do not use a native language as a file name description. Instead, add a trailing two-letter language code to the end of your file description before you upload the image in the 'base' language description. This makes it easier to track images for localisation.

Example of Pattern

Here is the base example:

<jver>-<admin>-<view>-<language code>.<extension('png' | 'jpg' | 'jpeg' | 'gif')>


Example of Localisation Pattern

Taking some of the examples from above, just add the language code to the end of the file name before the .extension name of the file type.


Just a random image name with language codes.


Marking an Image For Translation

Marking a page with images must follow the stop translation tagging, start filename.png stop, start caption stop, start translation tagging. This will eliminate all code from the translation unit for the translator.

[[File:Name.png|left|Caption info if needed]]
</translate>[[<translate>File:name-of-image.png</tranlate>|left|<translate>Caption info if needed</translate>]]<translate>

Translation of the Image Unit

Separating the image name with extension and the caption makes it really easy to translate images. As a translator, you will just add the -language code before .extension in the image name when translating the image name unit.

  --> name-of-image-{LangCode}.png
   --> name-of-image-fr.png

Save the translation unit and you are almost done. Do not forget to upload the image!

Translation of the Caption Unit

Translating the caption if there is one is straightforward. You will more than likely be translating just a word, a few words or a sentence. Translate the caption and it is done.

Uploading a Translated Image

You translated the image name, now you need to upload an image. Browse to the translated page in your language code. If you translated the image unit, you should see a 'red link' where the image should be. It will either say:

The image name with extension.


If there is a caption which was translated it should be the translation like this example.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Traducción de la leyenda de la imagen

The Actual Uploading

Click the red link and you will be taken to the upload page. Uploading is really easy. Click 'Choose File' to select a file from your computer. The name of file should already be filled in. Summary, what is the file? Screenshot French Version or Spanish Version of image. Choose a licensing, JEDL or the Joomla! Electronic Documentation License is the recommend one. Bottom button, click to upload file. You should now be on the image information page once the uploading completes.

Checking the Image

Scroll to the bottom of the page and look for the 'File Usage' title. Under it you show see the page name your image is being used on in English with the /language code. Something similar to the following:

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Name of page/es

Click the page name and make sure your image is showing on the page.