Joomla! Extension Directory FAQs/et
From Joomla! Documentation
Extensions' submission, approval and rejection
- FAQ for developers: Publishing to JED
Miks minu ülevaade lisaprogrammi kohta tagasi lükati, eemaldati või seda muudeti?
Järgnevalt on toodud mõned põhjused, miks sinu ülevaadet võidakse tagasi lükata, eemaldada või isegi muuta:
- Liiga lühike.
- Spämm või enesereklaam.
- Sisaldab linke.
- Funktsioonide soovid. Saada need otse arendajale.
- Kasutajatoe saamise soovid. Saada need otse arendajale.
- Leitud vigadest teavitamine. Saada need otse arendajale.
- Sinu ülevaade ei näita, et sa oleksid seda lisaprgogrammi kasutanud.
- Pole toote ülevaade.
- Võõrkeeles (lubatud on ainult inglise keel).
- Sisaldab koodi. Ülevaadete osale ei meeldi kood.
- Arutelud rahaasjade üle. Parem esita lisaprogrammi kohta raport.
- Complaints about licenses, download policies, and version compatibility.
- Kasutustingimuste rikkumine.
- Topeltkontod.
- Flagged for IP masking.
I submitted a review yesterday but it is not shown yet, why?
All reviews are being manually approved by the Editorial Team, but sometimes team members require a second opinion from another editor to make sure a review is acceptable. In some cases reviews can take up to 21 days to be processed.
Kuidas saan muuta või kustutada varem kirjutatud ülevaadet?
Please use the 'Report this Review' button next to the review that you'd like to edit/delete. By using the 'Report this Review', JED team members will be able to see that the request was made by the same user who originally created the review. Once the first review is removed you can resubmit a new review. We cannot alter the review or rating for you; we are only able to remove it for you.
Kas saan teha ettepanekid kategooriate muutmiseks?
Categories in the JED are continually evolving as new types of extensions are created. The JED Team strives to provide a categorization system to fit every extension listed in JED. If you feel that an extension deserved to be in an existing category or that a new category should be created, click on the 'Report!' button for the listing and let us know what you're thinking. For new category, please use the 'Report This' button and let us know about your suggestion. You can also post your feedback to our forum.
Millal peetakse lisaprogrammi ‘Populaarseks’?
Lisaprogrammi näidatakse populaarsena siis, kui selle lehekülge on vaadatud päevas keskmiselt 150 või rohkem korda.
Kui kaua hoitakse lisaprogrammil silti ‘Uus’?
An extension will be tagged as ‘New’ for 14 days from the day it is reviewed and published.
What is the calculation for an extension to be ‘Top Rated’?
An extension has to have at least 15 votes to be eligible to be listed as Top Rated Extension. Receiving a 'Top Rated' tag is determined by the average rating given by users.
How is ‘Most Reviewed’ extension list calculated?
Extensions with the highest number of reviews are listed as Most Reviewed.
What component is used to manage Joomla! Extensions Directory?
The new site is a custom application envisioned by the JED Team and built by Fabrik. Portions of it will be publicly available on Bitbucket as it becomes more stable.
Lisade kataloogi meeskond
See here for a full list of the JED team members
Meeskonnaga ühenduse võtmine
The editors can be reached by submitting a support ticket on the JED Help Desk. Support is no longer provided via email.