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From Joomla! Documentation
Dear friends and users of Joomla!
In year 2025 Joomla! is celebrating its 20th birthday. While our CMS has grown up and is younger and more active than ever, the documentation based on MediaWiki is getting on in years and will be going into retirement before long. We are currently developing new documentation based on Joomla! to demonstrate the power of our CMS.
Until the official release of the new documentation (scheduled for October 2025), some pages may not be up to date with the current release of Joomla. In the meantime, the unofficial user guide Jdocmanual by Cliff Ford and the official Joomla! Programmers Documentation may help you as an alternative.
Your help with the update is very welcome and appreciated! Please report your suggestions or improvements on Mattermost.
هي أحدث نسخة
المتطلبات التقنية 3.10.12
خذ محرك أقراص موسع للاختبار وقم ببناء
موقع جوملا! الخاص بك مجانا استخدم دائما نسخة مدعومة, اقرأ release and support cycle صفحة الخاصة بنا.