Operators for use with the countModules function
From Joomla! Documentation
The following logical, comparison and arithmetic operators are available:
Operator | Example | Description |
+ | user1 + user2
Total number of Modules in user1 and user2 positions. |
- | user1 - user2
The number of Modules in the user1 position minus the number in the user2 position. |
* | user1 * user2
The number of Modules in the user1 position multiplied by the number in the user2 position. |
/ | user1 / user2
The number of Modules in the user1 position divided by the number in the user2 position. |
== | user1 == user2
Returns true if user1 and user2 have the same number of Modules enabled; otherwise returns false. |
!= | user1 != user2
Returns true if user1 and user2 do not have the same number of Modules enabled; otherwise returns false. |
<> | user1 <> user2
Same as !=. |
< | user1 < user2
Returns true if user1 has strictly less Modules enabled than user2; otherwise returns false. |
> | user1 > user2
Returns true if user2 has strictly more Modules enabled than user1; otherwise returns false. |
<= | user1 <= user2
Returns true if user1 has the same or less Modules enabled than user2; otherwise returns false. |
>= | user1 >= user2
Returns true if user2 has the same or more Modules enabled than user1; otherwise returns false. |
and | user1 and user2
Returns true if user1 and user2 both have at least 1 enabled Module; otherwise returns false. |
or | user1 or user2
Returns true if user1 or user2 or both have at least 1 enabled Module; otherwise returns false. |
xor | user1 xor user2
Returns true if user1 or user2 but not both have at least 1 enabled Module; otherwise returns false. |
Note that if countModules() returns any non-zero number it is equivalent to true; whereas zero is equivalent to false.
More than two module positions can be included in an expression. Evaluation of the expression is performed from left to right subject to operator precedence.
The following table lists the precedence of operators with the highest-precedence operators listed at the top of the table. Operators on the same line have equal precedence, in which case they are evaluated from left to right. The use of brackets to override precedence is not supported.
Operators | Operator type |
* / | Arithmetic operators |
+ - | Arithmetic operators |
< <= > >= | Comparison operators |
== != | Comparison operators |
and | Logical operator |
xor | Logical operator |
or | Logical operator |