From Joomla! Documentation
- 您的網站想要成就什麼?
- 您的網站想要呈現什麼內容?有多少內容要呈現?
- 您的主要對象是誰?您如何與他們互動?
- 您的開發預算或是開發時程如何評估?
所以什麼是 Joomla?他要如何協助我完成網站?
Joomla! 是一套內容管理系統 (簡稱 "CMS") ,提供更容易操作的內容控制和編輯,以及呈現於網站上。使用 Joomla!,您可以做到像是:
- 透過文字編輯器介面,編輯每一頁的內容
- 透過一些滑鼠點擊,就新增頁面到網站上
- 透過瀏覽器介面上傳圖片檔案(或是其他多媒體檔案)
- 控制網站元素,像是選單以及頁面排版
Joomla! 預設的介面還提供很多其他的功能,總歸來說,Joomla! 破除了您需要請一個工程師,沒日沒夜維護網站內容的需求。如果您有能力在網路上閒逛、填寫網頁表單,在網站上做一些互動,以及使用桌面應用程式,您應該足以應付Jomla介面來管理您網站的內容。 Out-of-the-box, Joomla provides all of the primary functions of managing Web page content. It also includes a number of specialised elements which support specific functionality, for example, end user registration, interactive polls, advertising banners, a contacts directory, and much more. Included with Joomla's native capabilities is an "Extensions" system which enables additional features via third-party Extensions software packages. (See https://extensions.joomla.org for more information.)
Joomla-powered Web sites are different from Web sites which contain manually updated, or "static," HTML files. Instead, Joomla is a dynamic Web application. Joomla uses a database (MySQL) to store all of the content and information about your site, and it uses a programming language (PHP) to power its interactive functionality and dynamic Web pages.
How much knowledge do I need to implement Joomla?
Although a low level of technical knowledge is required to use Joomla on a day-to-day basis, you will need to know a bit more in order to install it. Joomla's installation process includes uploading files to a Web server via FTP, creating a new MySQL database, and then proceeding through Joomla's Web-based installation wizard. (Fortunately, many Web hosting companies include Web site control panels which make it easy to handle technical tasks, including adding a MySQL database, and installing Joomla.)
Customising the structure, content and presentation of your Joomla site involves working within Joomla's Web-based interfaces; if you want to significantly change the Web site design from the default templates, you will need to either install a third-party template package or create your own template out of Web-ready images and HTML, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) and/or Javascript code.
Knowledge of the PHP programming language or programming concepts in general is not required to install, customise and administer Joomla.
Please, don't let any of that scare you off. This is the Absolute Beginner's Guide to Joomla and you will learn what is needed if you invest a bit of time in reading and trying out these ideas. Now, should we begin?