
مدیریت مقاله/تصاویر راهنما مدیریت مقاله

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< Portal:Article Management
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تصاویر راهنما مدیریت مقاله همراه با توضیحات

تصاویر راهنما مدیریت مقاله نسخه توضیحات
گزینه های مدیریت محتوای مقاله Joomla 3.x Used to set global defaults for menu items that display articles. These default values will be used when "Use Global" is selected for an option in an Articles menu item. For example, to show the 'Create Date' for an article in your Articles menu items, then set that option to "Show" here and it will be the default value. You do not need to set any of these options. Your Joomla site will work with the default settings.
مدیریت محتوای مقاله Joomla 3.x The Article Manager is used to find, mark featured, add and edit articles. See Toolbar below for a detailed list of all functions.
ویرایش مدیریت محتوای مقاله Joomla 3.x This is the back-end screen where you can add and edit Articles. The same screen is used for adding a new Article and editing an existing Article. You can also select the Category for an Article and indicate whether or not it is Published and if it is selected to appear on the Front Page.
تصاویر راهنما مدیریت مقاله نسخه توضیحات
مدیریت محتوای مقاله Joomla 2.5 The Article Manager is used to add and edit articles. See Toolbar below for a detailed list of all functions.
ویرایش مدیریت محتوای مقاله Joomla 2.5 This is the back-end screen where you can add and edit Articles. The same screen is used for adding a new Article and editing an existing Article. You can also select the Category for an Article and indicate whether or not it is Published and if it is selected to appear on the Front Page.
گزینه های مدیریت محتوای مقاله Joomla 2.5 This screen is where you can set global defaults for menu items that display articles. These default values will be used when you select "Use Global" for an option in an Articles menu item. For example, if you normally want to show the Create Date for an article in your Articles menu items, then set that option to "Show" here and it will be the default value. You do not need to set any of these options. Your Joomla site will work with the default settings.