
Portal:Principiantes/Obter Ajuda

From Joomla! Documentation

< Portal:Beginners
This page is a translated version of the page Portal:Beginners/Getting Help and the translation is 40% complete.
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Os Fóruns do Joomla! são dos fóruns de apoio mais movimentados (e mais amigáveis) no mundo, e eles são um ótimo lugar para obter ajuda e conhecer outros utilizadores do Joomla!.

  • Antes de publicar, consulte as FAQs - Perguntas Mais Frequentes na wiki de documentação.
  • Please make certain you search the Forum post first before posting a question. Nine times out of ten someone else had the same issue that you had.
  • Make sure you are posting in the right forum for your topic.
  • Be clear and specific in your request for help. Entries like “Help! It doesn’t work!” tend to get ignored. Try to explain everything that led up to your problem. Try to explain what your problem is. Be clear about what you want to happen. And, thank those who bother to help!
  • Use the Forum Post Assistant to help you provide more information and better explain your problem.
  • If your question/problem was solved, mark your thread as solved by editing the first post you made in that thread and changing the topic icon to the green check mark with a circle. You can also add [Solved] to your topic title. By doing this you allow other members who are doing searches to easily differentiate between solved and unsolved issues. This also saves the volunteers' time of having to open up solved topics.
  • As soon as you know things, start answering questions. Answering questions is one of the best ways to learn.
  • If someone helps you, say thank you and pay it forward by answering a question yourself.