初學者 / 開始建立你的 Joomla! 網站
From Joomla! Documentation
< Portal:Beginners
在開始建立文章、分類、標籤、網站連結、聯絡資訊、橫幅標題和快訊之前,你可以先參考看看計畫你的網站。建立網站是有很多層面需要你去思考的。比如說,決定是否要啟用 SEF(搜尋引擎友善化網址),而且必須了解開啟或關閉後可能會造成你的網站在搜尋引擎(例如 Google、MSN 和 Yahoo!)的排名更動。
也許你已經擁有一個網站。這樣你應該閱讀「轉換跑道,把既有的網站改成 Joomla! 網站」且深入了解如何轉換已有的靜態網站。
你可能會想要修改 Joomla! 的佈景主題來顯示你的網站 Logo 和網站名稱。
最後,你可能會想要為 Joomla! 安裝大大小小的擴充套件。大多數的 Joomla! 擴充套件都陳列在官方的 Joomla! 擴充套件庫(JED),當你想要安裝擴充套件時,也請遵照安裝 Joomla! 擴充套件程序裡說明的指示。
在 Joomla! 論壇取得幫助
The Joomla! forums are the among the busiest (and most friendly) support forums in the world, and they are a great place to get help and meet other Joomla! users.
- Before posting, check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the docs wiki.
- Please make certain you search the Forum post first before posting a question. Nine times out of ten someone else had the same issue that you had.
- Make sure you are posting in the right forum for your topic.
- Be clear and specific in your request for help. Entries like “Help! It doesn’t work!” tend to get ignored. Try to explain everything that led up to your problem. Try to explain what your problem is. Be clear about what you want to happen. And, thank those who bother to help!
- Use the Forum Post Assistant to help you provide more information and better explain your problem.
- If your question/problem was solved, mark your thread as solved by editing the first post you made in that thread and changing the topic icon to the green check mark with a circle. You can also add [Solved] to your topic title. By doing this you allow other members who are doing searches to easily differentiate between solved and unsolved issues. This also saves the volunteers' time of having to open up solved topics.
- As soon as you know things, start answering questions. Answering questions is one of the best ways to learn.
- If someone helps you, say thank you and pay it forward by answering a question yourself.
這邊是一些常用的 Joomla! 論壇的快速連結,你可以點進去看看。 General/New to Joomla! 3.x Questions, Joomla! 3.x Template Questions, Joomla! 3.x Extension Questions, General/New to Joomla! 2.5 Questions, Joomla! 2.5 Template Questions, and Joomla! 2.5 Extension Questions