Joomla - Grupos de Utilizadores
From Joomla! Documentation
Um Joomla! - Grupo de Utilizadores (JUG) é um encontro local de pessoas que partilham regularmente o conhecimento Joomla!, experiência e contacta pessoalmente com outros membros da nossa comunidade, pelo menos duas vezes por ano. É um ótimo lugar para conhecer novas pessoas, e é perfeito para todos os níveis que vão desde os principiantes, Joomla! - Programadores, desenhadores da Web, gestores da Web e qualquer pessoa que queira aprender mais sobre o Joomla.
Existem mais de 100 Joomla! - Grupos de Utilizadores registados por todo o mundo! Pode vê-los em:
Começar um Joomla! - Grupo de Utilizadores
Quais são os benefícios para iniciar e gerir um JUG? (Ou porque começar um JUG). Existem muitos. Alguns são:
- To promote Joomla to more people in your local area.
- To build a strong sense of community with other Joomla users.
- To promote and gain friendships and to network with people of like mind.
- To help with Joomla outreach in your local area.
- Get access to a private Glip chat with other JUG Organisers world-wide.
- Access to public Glip channels in the Joomla! Project.
- Doesn't need to take a lot of time. The minimum number of meetings per year is two in person meetings.
- The group can run in your language and your culture. The group can have it's own personality. No two JUGs are the same.
- To help others.
- To teach others.
- To learn from others.
- To make friends and socialise with others.
E mais...
There are some basic requirements to start a Joomla User Group which include:
- At least two people to run the group as leaders (minimum)
- A place to meet in your town - for example a meeting room, a bar, restaurant, office space etc.
- A name which represents a town or city (not a country, state or large region)
- An online place to promote your group and allow people to find out about the group (e.g. website,, Facebook group, LinkedIn group, Google+ Community, etc)
- See the Joomla! User Group Rules/FAQs
- See the Joomla! User Group Terms of Service
Como é que eu encontro outra pessoa para liderar o meu grupo?
Há muitas maneiras para encontrar outros utilizadores do Joomla na sua área local:
- Joomla! - Fórum do Grupo de utilizadores
- Fóruns localizados (por exemplo, Joomla (França), Comunidade do Joomla (Holanda), Joomla (Itália)
- Rede local
- Aborde outros desenhadores de sites da Web que querem aprender sobre o Joomla!
- redes sociais
Como é que eu encontro um local de encontro?
It is best to try and find a venue which can be used free of charge, or at low cost, so that you do not have high expenses in starting your group. Algumas ideias para os locais de encontros:
- Salas de reunião de empresas ou salas de exposições
- Bares, restaurantes e cafés
- Salas de encontros da comunidade / Salões Locais
- Espaços de trabalho
Eu deveria cobrar uma taxa?
As a Joomla! User Group organiser you may wonder whether you should ask visitors/members/attenees for a financial contribution. A contribution can be useful to get the facilities like a beamer (data projector) or to pay for the drinks/snacks during the meeting. If there are speakers invited, funds could be used for a gift or travel expenses. An important point is that Joomla! User Groups are not in existance to make a big profit. Charging for meetings is so that you can meet expenses of the Group. Your financials should be transparent and anyone, including the JUG Team should be allowed to see them. Some groups are completely free and funded by sponsorship. Other groups are free to attend, but have an optional fee for food and beverages (e.g. pizza and beer!). Some JUG groups charge a fixed fee per meeting. When there is money involved is good to have a treasurer and be transparent with your financial records.
Como é que eu posso encontrar / atrair novos membros?
Some JUG groups have found that is a good way to attract new members from outside the Joomla Community since they do well with search engines. The main disadvantage of is that it is a paid service and is not free, however it does handle meeting announcements, RSVPs etc very well. You can also work on developing your own Group website, and you can list events if you are a registered Joomla User Group you can list them on Outros "sites" que pode querer utilizar, incluem:
Gerir um Joomla! - Grupo de Utilizadores
There are many aspects and questions which need careful consideration when running a Joomla! User Group.
- Should we accept corporate sponsors for our group?
- How do we find speakers for our group?
- How do we keep our meetings interesting for all levels of experience?
- How often should we meet?
- What equipment do I need and how can I provide that equipment?
- How do I manage people booking to attend my meetings?
- How do I communicate with my members?
- How can I get support if I have a problem?
- How can I restart an inactive user group?
- What are JUG best practices?
- Can I get a JUG website distribution with all the assets needed (newsletter, mailing list)?
- Where are the official JUG lists?
- Reporting a User Group
Ajuda para os Organizadores dos Grupos de Utilizadores
Para ajudar aqueles interessados em criar e gerir um Joomla! - Grupo de Utilizadores, aqui estão alguns recursos comuns para ajudar.
There is a popular Glip chat which includes JUG Organisers from around the world - if you would like to join it please get in touch with the JUG Team by opening a ticket at We also have a Google Doc which we hope to convert over to be hosted here, this is at
Está disposto a falar nos encontros de "JUG", quer geograficamente perto de si ou via Skype / Google +? Se assim for, por favor, adicione os seus detalhes à JUG - Lista de Oradores. Certifique-se que deixa um meio para que os organizadores de JUG entrem em contacto consigo.
Past Presentations
Have you got slide decks, presentations and videos from past JUG Meetings that you would like to make available to others? If so, please add these to the Past Presentations page.
Have you got resources that help your JUG run that would be good for other JUGs? Things like conferencing, screen share software? If so, please add these to the JUG Resources page.