Pre-Release Testing
From Joomla! Documentation
Minor updates of Joomla are released every six (6) Tuesdays (schedule may change). One week prior to the release, the update is set for RC (Release Candidate) and available for testing. People are needed to conduct such tests. The more people that test, the better releases can be.
2025 Release Dates[edit]
- 7 January 2025
- 18 February 2025
- 15 April 2025
- 27 May 2025
- 8 July 2025
- 19 August 2025
- 14 October 2025
- 25 November 2025
Tip: add a calendar event one week before each of these dates and help the Joomla! Project test releases before they go out.
How to Test Release Candidates[edit]
Set Up a Testing Location[edit]
- Take a backup of the site you want to test making sure you have permission to test using the website you're going to use. You can use a suggested tool (see bottom of page) or you can do this manually.
- Make sure your environment meets the technical requirements before proceeding.
- Create a new database and new user to restore your development site to.
- Create a testing site or build area to work in and restore the back up copy of your site in one of the following places:
- A subdomain.
- A subdirectory.
- A local device via WAMP, MAMP, LAMP, XAMPP.
- A new hosting account on a temporary domain in the root. (If you would like to change hosts in the process of migration).
- Restoring a site on a local device. See Installing Joomla locally and Setting up your workstation for Joomla development.
- Restoring a site with a tool listed at bottom of page. (Read the Suggested Tools)
Installing the RC[edit]
- With your development site established, go to Components → Joomla! Update and then click the Options button in the top toolbar.
- In the field Update Channel, select Default. In the Minimal Stability field, select Release Candidate.
3.10.x to 5.0.x[edit]
- With your development site established, go to Components → Joomla! Update and then click the Options button in the top toolbar.
- In the field Update Channel, select Testing. In the Minimal Stability field, select Stable.
- Click Save & Close in the top toolbar.
- Run the update on the next page.
Test, Test, Test[edit]
Test all the things you normally do on your website. Check the Backend and Frontend. To assist, you can also test items on the release checklist. Each release will have a new tab in the spreadsheet. Simply add your name starting in column D and report pass/fail in the cell associated with each item to test. The CMS Release Team is working on a component to make this easier. We will update this documentation when it becomes available. There may be specific items the CMS Release Team. Those items will be found on social media platforms including the Joomla! Forum. Frontend If issues are found or you need to discuss an issue, please report them on You will need a GitHub account to do so. Please see Filing Bugs and Issues for more information on how to make a report.
Important If you need to discuss a security issue, do not post on Rather send an email with details to
If you find an issue with a third-party extension, please report it directly to the developer. Do not report it to the Joomla! Project.
Finishing Up[edit]
Once done testing, remove the dev instance from your server (or local) environment. You will not be able to use it on the next release testing so killing it is best. If you want to leave it where it is, put an .htaccess password protection over it to make sure it doesn't get indexed. Your hosting provider should be able to provide instructions on how to do this.
Suggested Tools[edit]
- Akeeba Backup for backup and restore.